Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be

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Sunday 11:47 am

Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be- Robert Browning.

My mom died when I was only three years old. Hence, I dont remember her that well. People ask me if I miss her all the time. The fact is I do miss her whenever I see Lia and Sarah with their mums but normally I dont notice the loss. This is because she died at a time when I was so young that I didnt even know what had happened. I wasnt aware of my surroundings or who I was or what the word mum meant. That makes me feel guilty. I should miss and cry for my mum everyday but I only do it somedays. Mainly, on those days when I realize what a mum really is.

They tell me I cried alot when my mum died. They tell me wonderful stories about my mum. Her name was Olivia and she was gorgeous. My beauty is nothing when compared with hers. She has maghony hair, beautiful blue eyes, a laugh which made dimples appear in her cheeks, a thin waste and long, beautiful legs. And she had a diary. Because I want to be something like my mum, I keep a diary. 

Thing is, my mum didnt get to grow old along with me. Thats why this Robert Browning quote makes perfect sense for me as far as my mother is concerned. I didnt get to see the best that could have been hence I dont miss her all the time and at times, that makes me feel guilty.

Ever since then my dad has taken care of me. My dad's name is Luke, he is seriously the best dad a person could ask for. Dad hardly ever sleeps, he is either working or spending time with me. There are dark circles under his eyes almost all of the time and sometimes, no scratch that, all the time I wish I could make them go away.

Dad has a successful jewellry store named ''Chic''. He is always striving to make things better for me. He worries incessantly about me. We have a very close bond. He has been there for me through everything, literally. He is also very understanding and caring and I cant imagine my life without him. I plan to help him with the business once I graduate that will be in a year and then maybe I can make the dark circles under his eyes disappear. I hope I get to grow old with my dad because the best is yet to be.  

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