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Pic of Cindy up top....hehe enjoy first Chap. :-P

Does life always go the way we want it? Obviously not. Life's full of trials as you solve one another comes along. Why can't I just get the paradise I want. Why can't I just think of something and BAM! It appears right in front of me. Too bad that never happens in reality.

Just like life, the one thing us humans are to acquire to assist in making our lives better is the same thing that causes most of this pain.

Love. That's what I'm talking about. It feels so good to love someone but what happens when that person doesn't love you back and breaks your heart? Well I don't think they like physically break your heart cause obviously a heart is not shaped like what most of us think it does, and though fragile its not that easy to break like glass.

"Olive!" I heard a voice faintly over the loud music. "Olive will you turn that shit down!!" The voice boomed. I instantly recognized it as the guy I have a crush on.

"For the love of God." I muttered under my breath as Arch came up behind the punching bag which hit him square in the face. I rolled my eyes as he fell to the floor holding his nose. Such a big baby.

"I think you broke my nose." he gushed out as the blood ran down his face.

"Well who told you to come behind a punching bag which so happens to be the one I'm using." I stated calmly turning off my music. I sighed sitting beside him on the floor as I placed his nose back into position. "What'd you want?"

"I was just coming to tell you that we're gonna be late to graduation if you don't hurry up." he stated wiggling his nose, and to believe I thought that he was actually smart.

"Fine." I let out a sigh head upstairs Arch on my tail. "Arch .....did you call Jada?" I asked

"How many times must I tell you not to call me that??" He groaned while I just rolled my eyes at him.

"The day when I kill you is the day I'll stop calling you that. Now did you call her?"

"Yeah........Jada, Chloey, Zoey and Crystol will be here in the next four hours." I smiled at him kissing his cheek as I walked in the living room and was greeted by Zayn, Tyler, Andrew and Kyle.

"Shouldn't you guys be with your girlfriends?" I asked suspiciously as I got comfortable.

"They kicked us out." Zayn said sadness evident in his voice.


"I don't know. Ask them." Andrew said annoyed. I rolled my eyes at them and changed the channel when something caught my eye.

"Seriously Indy??" Tyler groaned

"Anything but that!" Kyle practically begged.

"It's starting so sshhh!!" I hissed at them

"How can you be a badass boxer and watch this shit??" Tyler groaned out. I narrowed my eyes at him staring at him intently.

"Did. You. Just. Call. Sponge. Bob. Shit?" I asked menacingly my tone cold and vicious while I gave him my don't mess with me look. Tyler along with the rest of the guys visibly gulped as I got up from my position between Kyle and Andrew. I began counting to ten giving him time to run. Tyler seemed to caught on to what I was doing and dashed for the front door.

"Cindy.... Think about this" Andrew tried to reason with me but I ignored him. Zayn and Kyle were staring at him watching intently clearly amused by the whole situation. Once I reached ten I took out my gun walking towards the front door pointing the gun.

"She's not gonna kill him is she?" I heard one of the guys ask.

"Most likely not but she's gonna harm him." One of them answered back. From anyone's point of view I looked like a crazy teenager pointing a gun at an expensive car, nothing new. I pointed my gun toward the tire shooting both the two back tires which lead the back of the car to fall on him. I then pointed the gun to his head which I could see clearly.

"Oh shit!" Kyle exclaimed.

"She's gonna kill him." Andrew said shocked

"Where's the popcorn when you need some!" A voice groaned, obviously Zayn.

"CINDY!!!" Zack who I totally forgot about shouted just as I pulled the trigger hitting Tyler in the neck.

"Shit!!!" They all exclaimed running to assist Tyler just as Jada's Blue car pulled up.

"What the hell happened to Tyler!!" Zoey screeched running over to him as I rolled my eyes.

"Cindy happened" Jada said knowing exactly how I am at all times, being my best friend and all.

"What the hell did you do!??" Zoey screamed at me as she turned back to Tyler muttering a few words to him.

"He pissed me off." I stated nonchalantly my mind drifting off to what would happen after graduation. I mean yeah, I know I wasn't gonna be stuck in high school all my life but I was so caught up in all this drama with Pablo that I never thought of what would happen after graduation.

Would I go to college? Continue boxing? Or become a full time gang leader? Kyle, Zayn, Crystol and Chloey are going back to college for their third year I know that much. Andrew is going to NYU to train to work in security. Suits him cause well he's my manager and all. Jada is going to NYU also to get a degree fashion cause she'll be taking over her mom's business while creating her own. Tyler being Jada's brother and oldest by a minute has to take over his father's law firm so he's going to Harvard.

Zoey, she's going to do voluntary work at an animal clinic as part of her enrollment for a college. It seems as if they have everything planned out while I'm here. Zack he wants to continue his boxing career being the youngest undefeated male boxing champion. I honestly don-

"Cindy Jordina Oliver!!! Are you even listening to me!!???" I glared at Zoey before replying.

"How can I when you just damaged my ears permanently." I said sarcastically before sighing "No I wasn't listening so....?" Everyone just stood there for a minute before walking away. Like seriously!?? I groaned forgetting about the whole thing.

"Let's get ready to move on from this hell hole. To high school!" I cheered as the girls and I headed to my room that I shared with Zack.

"What the hell?" I asked as I bumped into Chloey.

"And I thought Zayn was the pig" I heard Crystol say. I rolled my eyes at them heading into the room. I stopped in my track starring at Zack butt naked going through the draws.

"Olive.....where'd you put my spongebob underwear?"

Lmao......lol I'm sorry but I had to stop. Sooo .......first chapter? What'd you think?
Lol ^_^ see yah next time. By the way...'Am I Serious?' is a continuation of the previously destroyed book 'Why So Serious?' 


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