im just a lonely boy

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Eren looked around at the warehouse, his head much clearer than before. His mind was still swarmed with the previous actions done to his body without his consent. How much did everything hurt, in ways he has never felt before.

Someone was carrying him, to where? Who knows? As he was staring up at the ceiling, he was brought into a room full of betas pampering to dressing up the other omegas in the room. Omegas to be sold at an auction. "This here is the last one for the show, so make him up to be extra pretty." The man dropped Eren into a comfy chair. Eren snuggled into it. It was the only comfy thing (in who knows how long) he has felt. Omegas, being very sensitive to tactile things, enjoyed oversized things such as the chair Eren was sitting on.
One of the beta's came up to the man. "Robert said so?"

"Robert said so."

The beta woman with blonde hair hmmed. "He is a beauty. Is he close to his heat?"

"It was coaxed." The man gruffed.

"Ah, I see. I will take very good care of him, Simon. Don't worry about it."

"I don't care, honestly. I'll report to Robert and tell him you're getting him ready. I'll be back for him later. If he is any trouble, just let me know, got it?"

"Will do, Simon." The man left, leaving Eren with three or four beta women.

The blonde haired woman came over to Eren, and knelt beside the chair. She had a soft smile, reminding him of his mother. "Hello sweetie. My name is Victoria. Imma take really good care of you, you got that? How about you start by telling me your name?"

Eren kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to speak to her. He didn't want to speak to anybody. He wanted to get out of there. But he didn't know how. If he tried to run, somebody would stop him, and he knew this.

"I know you are scared, sweetie. But I promise, I'll be gentle with you. I wont hurt you. Not like those filth bags out there." She chuckled slightly after seeing a slight smile on Eren's face.

"Eren. My name is Eren." His voice still a whispery, raspy noise.

"Well Eren, we are going to make you beautiful!"

Her voice calm and reassuring to Eren. "O-ok...." He smiled slightly again, but quickly disappeared within seconds, into a frown. "A-are you going t-to h-hurt me like the o-others did?" Eren looked at the woman wide with, turquoise eyes.

"Aww, sweetie." She went to hug him, and he flinched away. She sighed. How many more omegas would they torture like this? "Come here. I just want to hug you." Eren eyed her suspiciously. He didn't know if he could trust her. But he needed hope to push him through all of this. So he pushed away his fears and hugged her back. "I promise I wont hurt you like those nasty men did. Im here to make you feel better." She cooed to him. She knew exactly what 'coaxing an omega into heat' entailed. Knowing what those men did to the precious, innocent boy. Yet, she couldn't stop any of what was going on.

"Now, let's go make you even pretty than you already are." Eren blushed and pulled away from the hug. He stood up and followed Victoria.


It wasn't simple work. This boy, Eren, was filthy from not bathing for weeks. First, the lady had to clean him up by shampooing his hair, and letting him wash his own body. The room they were in was separate to the room he was brought into. This room had showers and toilets only.

"Miss Victoria?"

"Yes, Eren?"

Eren looked down at the ground. He already knew the answer, but wanted someone to tell him. "Will I ever see my family again?"

Craving (Riren)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें