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My body instantly went into shock and I was no longer aware of my surroundings. How could this have happened? It was just so hard to believe considering how recently we had moved into this house.

A pair of hands slid onto my waist and pulled me back before I could run further into the house. I began to scream and kick.

"STOP IT! LET GO!" I was in hysterics."I HAVE TO GO INSIDE! I HAVE TO......." My body gave up the struggle and became weak. There was no point in fighting; All I could do was cry until there was no water left in me. The grip on my waist became tighter and it actually hit me that I wasn't alone. What if it was the person who was responsible for the monstrosity that I was seeing before me?" If you are going to kill me. Do it now so I can't suffer from this any longer."

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you," a familiar voice said from behind. I couldn't make out who it was, but honestly, I didn't care anymore.

"Just make it stop," I whisper. My eyesight became fuzzy as I tried to see who was holding me. The room began to spin and slowly the light left my eyes.

"Zarah stop.... You can't ---" The voice became fainter until I couldn't hear it any longer.


So Sorry for the long update! I was having writers block.. I had so many ideas, but couldn't find the words to put them in! Anyways, I know its short! But another update is coming tomorrow or in a few hours! I just wanted to get something up ASAP!

Thank You my Purple Hearts! (I'm trying to think of names for you guys!) Comment below for ideas! :) you may get a dedication.. hint hint! or comment if you think this is a bad idea...

So fan, comment, vote, and have a Fantabulous day! :)

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