Story 1

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"This is the bit where we get killed in horror movies Stacy." Said the blonde girl to her friend. They were both currently walking through a 'haunted' house.

"God Kylie, you don't have to be so tense." Said Stacy.

A antagonising creek was heard. The two girls turn around slowly, shaking with fear.

"Mi nem Luek." The blonde scary looking boy with really tall hair said. The two girls screamed violently and ran out.

"I jus want frien." Luek said crying himself to sleep again.


The next day Luek thought that he would go on a quest to find friends.

He got up from his bed and walked over to a mirror he found under a sheet for the first time in 1 year...

"WEH. Mi eyebros er nert ern fLERK." He exclaimed and started to examine other parts of his body and face.

"Whi do I luke hoorible, es it becoz of mi eyebros?" Luek says, crying a flood of tears.

Suddenly, hope and courage filled his head.

"I CAN MEK MISELF LUKE PRITTI!!" Luek shouted, running around in his ugly ass khakis that don't fit him any more.

The last time he wore new clothes and went outside was a year ago when he first stumbled across this house. Being the absolute idiot he is; Luek thought he would never be able to get out- even though the door was in the room next to him, he also had no supplies that he had brought with him except his phone, but that's run out of battery. Luek has also forgotten everything about life and other things whilst he was 'trapped' in the house- cliché, huh?

Bit by bit, Luek managed to make himself look handsome again.

"Wow." He says looking into the mirror, touching the reflective glass.

"NOW I NED FRIEN" Luek squeals excitedly.

"God boye mistor tea poot. ((Poot Lovato aye)) " He said to the thing that's been keeping him company all this time- a freaking tea pot. He's been living off tea, some weird herbs and old crisp packets whilst in the house.

Luek runs into the other room where the entrance was and grasped the door handle.

He hesitated for a while, but managed to fling open the door.

"Mi EYIEs" Luek shouts as soon as the sun hits his face.

He runs to a strange looking thing, it had a big brown thing with brown strings coming out of it and green things scattered on the weird string thing. He forgot what it was called so he named it fyahsk

"Helo." Luek said approaching a girl sitting under the fyahsk.

"Hey." She smiled putting down her weird metal device. "Who are you?"

"Mi nem is Luek!" The now good looking, eyebrow fleeked, hair on point, boy beamed.

"Cool I'm Leigh." She chuckled at the strange boy who had approached her.

"I want a frien. I am ninten. I am good boi. Not a noti boi. I am very prit." He looked at her for approval.

"I'm sorry but I'm waiting for my friend you should go." She says nonchalantly.

"FIEN I WEL GO BUT WEN I BETTE TEHN YO, YO BE JOLLYIOUS." Luek shouts with tears in his eyes and walked off down the road, further and further away from the 'haunted' house.


Luek had just met some boys.

Say hello to them Luek!

"Heli!" Luek says, waving his hand vigorously.

The 3 guys just shuffled their feet and waved. Luek thought they were dancing.

Luek thought about the girl who just abandoned him, Luek was upset about this but knew that these guys would be his friends- Luek could feel it in his eyebrows.

Luek has just remembered that there are people standing next to him

"Mi nem is Luek." He smiled, showing all of his sexy, yellow teeth.

"Cool." A boy with spiky hair said, side stepping away from him slowly.

"Hello my name is Ashton." A man with luscious long hair said.

"Heli Ashron!" Luek exclaimed.

"It's Ashton. Ah-shh-ton. Not Ashron." Ashton chuckled.

"Fashton?" Luek questioned, desperate not to let Ashton down, this could be the beginning of a new friendship and an adventure. Exciting!

"Close enough." Ashton shrugged.

Luek squealed thinking he got it right.

He turned to the coloured hair boy who just mumbled "Michael".

"Nicé to met yoo Mikal." Luek smiled, his smile was kinda crooked.

"Same here." Michael reluctantly said after mumbling a 'Mikal?'.

He quickly looked around to the last boy who was with them.

"Ooh are yoo?" Luek said, clearly happy (due to making friends).

"I'm Calum." The boy smiled.

"Calvin?" Luek said confused.

"No, Calum."


"No. Cal-um. Calum."


"I guess so." Calum sighed.

"Well," Michael said. "Nice to meet you Luek, but we better be going now."

"Can eye com with?!" Luek says hopefully.

"N-" Michael starts but Ashton cuts him off.

"Yeah!" He said giving a sheepish smile to the others. Ashton just wanted the boy to be happy.

A/N: Hey, this is the first story of the Adventures of Luek Hamings,yeesss. Me and 3 of my friends who also run this account will be posting the chapters of the Adventures of Luek Hamings. Lmao enjoy. (Also I don't know if the bold and italics are working because when I published it and re-read it, it didn't show so yeah...)

- Michaela.

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