Chapter 8

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Sam's POV:

I woke up to hearing a huge crashing sound, when I looked around my room from my bed I saw that it was my computer. Damn, hope it's not broken. Then I realized I woke up. Must have fallen asleep while watching Netflix. I get up and go get dressed in an oversized sweater and leggings, then do my hair and make up, as usual. Then I go downstairs to get some breakfast when my phone goes off signaling that I got a text, it's from Trey.

Trey Sam



How are you? Did you like the date last night?

I'm good and yes, it was so much fun. But when I got home Jack thought we had sex... We had a very awkward conversation...

I'm sorry haha.

I need to ask you something, can I come over?

Yeah, sure

Okay, be there in about 5 minutes

Okay, see you then.

Right after I sent that text, I said hello to Jack, since he was the only one awake, and went to get a glass of orange juice. As I was drinking the orange juice, there was a knock at the door. Trey must be here. When I open the door, we hug and say hello.

"Hey, do you want to go walk around?" Trey asked

"Yeah sure, let me go tell Jack. Okay" I told him

"Okay" Trey responded

I went and told Jack that Trey and I are going to go walk around and with that we left. We stopped at Starbucks and just walked around in the woods until we saw a beautiful lake.

"Hey Sam, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Trey asked almost like he was afraid of how I would respond

"Of course, I liked you the moment I saw you"

We spent the rest of the day sitting by the lake and talking about everything and anything.

When I got back home, I saw that there was some other people that I haven't met before. I had to look at them again to realize who it was. IT WAS BRET MOTHER FUCKING VON DELH and the guys from Black Veil Brides. I was introduced to them and almost had a heart attack.

We watched some movies and ate pizza. The guys from BVB and Bret stayed the night. I said good night to everyone and went upstairs to listen to music. I fell asleep to the beautiful sound of Motionless In White.


Please tell me what you think so far!
Have a wonderful day!

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