the beginning of my future,

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Its 5:30 am,my alarm clock bleeping for its life. I sat up with a sudden thought,school. Today I was finally going to high school the waiting was done. "Sarah!" A voice called loudly. It was my mother. I walked quickly down the stairs a slight buzz of excitement filled my body. Breathe Sarah breathe stay calm. I sat down in the kitchen breakfast lay on the table with a drink and a book in each of our place. Of course mine wasn't really a story. It was a play. It was my favourite. Annie by Thomas Meehan. I'd seen the musical time and time before. I ate breakfast drank my drink and read another half scene of Annie. After that I ran up stairs to brush my teeth then change into my uniform. My brother Ryan was 15 back then. And Jessy was 9. Of course I was 11 nearly 12.

I got dressed into the uniform,a dark green blazer,a stripy tie,white blouse,a dark green skirt with blue and red checks (plaid) just above my knees,Grey socks and black shoes with a buckle. I brushed my hair into a pony placing two bow clips either side. My bag was always a satchel. We always got new bags at the start of a new school year. Sometimes even at Christmas. We had our own normal bags for shopping too. Ryan always had rucksacks/backpacks. I sprayed myself with perfume then walked down stairs. Once i was down,my mother was taking photos of my brother and my sister. She'd take several photos. One of us on our own,Jess and Ryan,me and Jess,me and Ryan then one of us all together but my mother.
Your probably wondering where my father is in my life. Well... He left. I was about 2. My mother had given birth to my sister a few months ago at the time. The romance had drifted away and i only ever saw him once a month. Occasionally i would have been sent to sleep over at his. Sometimes it was both me and Ryan. Sometimes it was me and Jess. We found him as scary as the nether. He was pretty average tall,dark brown hair, stubbles around his chin he barely had a beard,he always shaved. You wouldn't want to mess with him though. One time,Ryan was being rather annoying. Bouncing a ball over and over. My father became angry and took away his ball for the rest of the day.

After the photos we headed out to the car. It was quite a journey. We had to drop my sister off at her school then from there to mine and Ryan's. We still managed to get there early tough. The school was massive. It had at least 6 classes for each subject but drama,German,humanities,DT,ICT and PE. There was two places for drama. The drama studio and the lecture theatre. If you weren't there you were probably up near humanities or English. There were 3 labs near the science department, 2 German class rooms,3 humanities classes,3 DT classes (food,textiles and wood work),6 maths classes and 4 ICT classes although there were only 3 teachers. Then there was fantastic futures which was once a week. Fantastic futures were either maths,English or ICT. I memorised a map. My brother had explained most things to me.

I sat down at an empty table in the corner,my brother had explained that these tables were layout for lunch time which was hours away or so it seemed. I took out a book and began to read. It was at least nearly 8. I read for about twenty minutes. After 15 minutes of reading a girl crept up behind and sat next to me rather quiet. For five minutes,i didn't realise she was there. I felt a breath and looked up from the book surprised. A girl sat next to me. She looked no older than me. She had light brown hair which waved down either shoulder, green eyes and a satchel backpack/rucksack. "Hello..." I say calmly. "Hello..." She replied. "You okay?" I ask curiously. I hadn't seen her before today. "Mixed emotions" she replied. "Same." I say with a slight nod then ask "are you from London?" "Yes." she answered. "Cool! I've been there." I say with a slight smile growing on my face. "Cool. What's your name?" She asked smiling back slightly. "Sarah,Sarah Anderson. What about you?" I reply. "Nice name. Helen,Helen smith." Helen answered. "Thanks yours too. What form are you in?" I ask curiously. "7FT." Helen replys. "Same." I say with a nod.

A while later we headed up to form,the school was cram packed. I showed Helen the way to form as she hasn't been to the introduction day. We sat down next to each other waiting for the teacher to speak. "Good morning class and welcome to North Craft high." She says after a while then adds "I'm miss Lewis and I'm your tutor this year. I also teach Science so some of you might be lucky to have me in class too. If i say your name, say yes then find your timetable and planner. Sarah Anderson,Rachel Bailey,Samuel Clough and Lucy Denvers." "Yes miss." I say walking to the front picking up my planner and time table then sitting back down. Once we were sat down miss called out more names. "Keeley Evans,Kevin Harris and Cody Jones." She says writing information on the board such as her name and another name next to the head of year I was guessing this was what we had to write inside our planners. "Jason Leigh,Kailey Owen and Helen Smith." The planners were dark green with yellow pages which i thought looked okay,our names and form engraved in gold writing and the school logo also engraved. After a few minutes everyone had their stuff and miss had finished saying what she wanted to say. We sat there waiting for the bell. I looked at my timetable as i waited my planner had been put away into the front of my bag.

Week A:
Monday- English, Math,Science,ICT and German.
Tuesday-Science,English,ICT and double textiles.
Wednseday-German,Math,Art,PE and English.
Thursday-Double humanities,Textiles,Math and fantastic futures.
Friday-German,RE,PE,Drama and English.

Week B-
Monday-Math,English,ICT,Science and German.
Tuesday-Art,Math,ICT,English and Humanities.
Wednesday-Math,Art,PE,German and Textiles.
Thursday-Math,Fantastic futures,Textiles and double humanities.
Friday-RE,German,PE,Drama and English.

The day soon ended,i exited class and found my brother. We waited in the car park for our mother to turn up in the car. After at least 5 minutes she arrived. I got in the car and explained my whole day with music in the background. Mother said it was slightly similar to Ryan's i shrugged in reply. Once we arrived home,mother served out our tea from the pan still piping hot then we listened to Jessy explain her day as we ate our tea/dinner. We then watched abit of TV,played a game of monopoly then ate supper and headed off to bed.

Sarah;Past and presesnt.Where stories live. Discover now