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This is probably all over, but to see this happen to such innocent humans is heartbreaking. I happy to see so many people reaching out to Paris and praying. Let's pray for these people in danger.
But do you know what else is horrible, people complaining about Starbuck Red Cups, i mean, really? Your complaint that Starbuck no longer had snowman and snowflakes on their cups and people are dying of starvation, being killed, and that's whats on your mind? Knock some sense into it.
November 13, 2015
Friday the 13th
#prayforparis #paris #prayingfortheworld #prayingforhumanity •
• {Update}
I'm watching the news and each commercial, the number of deaths increases. Over 158 people dead, 100's dead. Please keep people safe.

Words from Obama: French has stood with us through many years. America stands with France through these attacks
(Not exact words)

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