"Yes. I. Did."

I made a sound of disgust as I started pushing him out my room. "So....you need to go because I need to get dressed."

"Again, I don't mind."

"Pervert." I mumbled under my breath and closed the door in his face.

I laid on my bed after putting on sweats and a white shirt, then pressed the button to call in Roses, my maid. There are actually two buttons on the side of my bed; on is for security reasons and the other is for Roses basically.

There was a knock on the door and was opening slowly, "Are you decent?"

"Yes I am."

Then Henry ran towards my bed and jumped over me so he could lay next to me.

"So....how's the training going with Robert?" He asked.

"Well, he sure know how to, as I quote, 'bring out the fire'."

He lets out a loud laugh and wipes a pretend tear.

Soon enough, Roses poked her head through my door and said, "I already know why you brought me here." She let herself in my room and put my tray of food on my desk.

"Thank you." I said to her.

She bowed and scurried out my room.

I went over to pick up the cover of the tray of food and was welcomed with the delicious smell of chicken noodle soup, Added with a slice of bread on the side. I hungrily dug in, not wasting one second.

"You're lucky you have a nice servant like her. Mine probably hates me."

I look over to see Henry playfully glaring at me. "Someone is a bit jealous." I smirked to myself.

"Pfft, me jealous? I don't think so."

"Yup, the jealousy side marks. Totally jealous."

"Whatever." He crossed his arms over his chest as I turned around in my chair.

"What's so bad about your servant then?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess he developed a feeling of hatred towards me."

"That can't be it. Did you do something to upset him?"

"Uh..." He rubbed his chin, seeming to be in deep thought. "Oh! There was a time when I accidentally spilled my drink on his....white....clothes...."

"Ah...he finally figured it out."

"Shut up."

That's when a question that popped in head and before even thinking, I asked, "Do you have any siblings?"

Taken aback by this, he responded, "Yeah, twins sisters. Why?"

"Just curious. What are their names?"

"Eve and Eva. They are younger than me."


"Yep, so I'm going to room." He got up and walked towards the doors but I stopped him and blocked his way. "Yes?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh...well I was...wondering...if you know...um..stayherewithme?" I said really fast.

"Repeat that..?" I looked up to see him smirking so he knew what I said. He just want me to say it again.

No duh Sherlock.

'Shut up'. I told myself.

"I said....can you stay here with me?" I pronounced every word slowly.

"Can't just get enough of me can't you?" He tried to kiss me but I pressed my finger against his lips.

"I just wanted to talk."


"I dunno....." I twiddled with me thumbs and looked down at them. "I just can't get that evil lady out my head."

Henry understood so he pulled me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around his torso. I couldn't help but feel weak because this clearly wasn't me.

"I don't know why, but it feels like this is my responsibility to take down Queen Telma. She freakin wants me held hostage by her. But then at the same time it's her kids that should deal with their 'family issues' or something. Even when I was with Elliot and Elizabeth, they said that it's their business and I shouldn't worry. But how can I not worry when there is a crazy lady out there with unspeakable powers and she wants me!"

"Shhh...." Was all he said and somehow it calmed me down. "I'm not letting anyone take you as long as I'm here." He lifted my chin so I could face him and wiped my shredded tears that happens to be falling down on my checks. He leaned forward to press his lips against mine and he pulled me in closer as I snaked my arms around his neck, making no space between us. Then lifted me up, so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

Somehow, he managed to make my anger, worries, and everything else disappear. (which I'm grateful for) And we finished the night with the endless kisses.


Am I the only one who thinks this is going too fast? Probably not. So if there is any questions that needs answers, feel free to ask.

Also at the end of the chapter, I found myself 100% not ready for that but still went for it because to be honest, it fitted perfectly. Just saying.



Till next time....:3

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