Chapter 2 - The Carpenter

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I felt a chill go down my spine. Even though I was a burly carpenter, I was scared of things, a lot of things. Rats, ghosts and cockroaches, to name a few. I laughed to myself. Who is the right mind would mess with Vittorio De Sica! I laughed to myself again.

Then I realised, there were markings on my right arm.

Demon markings.

I freaked out and ran out of the carpentry shed.

Then I stopped cold in my tracks, unable to move. I screamed in my mind but my mouth did not move. I was possessed by a demon.

Then my mouth started moving again, talking to me! My body was talking to my mind!

"Do not worry. I am in need of a vessel to combat Da Vinci and his evil forces. I uncovered his evil intentions by posing as his assistant. Communicate to me using your mind, I can read your thoughts."

I thought.

For how long?

He said," For as long as I require."

I sighed in my thoughts.

This was going to be a long, long chapter in my life.

"Of course those daily nescessities I shall let you handle. Also, I see that you are a carpenter? I require your tools, for I need to conjure up creations to combat Da Vinci's. I shall personally take you as an apprentice to teach you how to craft them, as well as the appropriate spells to transport them."

I was taken a back. Learning how to build those legendary Da Vinci war machines and being taught spells? Too good to be true.

"Still doubting me?"

Drats, I forgot he could read my thoughts.

"Well, no matter. We have work to do."

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