"And he said he's not Josh", i responded. "Wait what?!" Kate almost choked on her pizza.

"I know right?! I also did not buy his response so I said that he should stop making a fool out of me. I was so annoyed that I hung up on him while he was still trying to explain himself ", I explained while recalling that moment earlier, still feeling like I want to punch him in the face or something.

"Serves him right. That is such a messed up excuse. Who would even believe that?", Kate said with obvious annoyance in her tone.

"Yeah, let's just forget about it. So, should we like watch a movie for tonight or you'll sleep early?", I asked Kate. "I think we should just continue catching up tomorrow. I am really tired right now and can barely keep my eyes open".

"Okay sure! I'm gonna go take a bath. Don't bother cleaning up just go straight to bed", I said while making my way to the bathroom. "Thanks,  Sum!", Kate responded in a tired voice.

As the cold droplets of water met my face and traveled through my body, thoughts about the happening earlier also tried to take a stroll in my brain.

If Josh was really just making up that excuse, I don't think I will ever want anything to do with him. I mean, the nerve that he has to avoid me? wow.

But, I also cannot ignore the fact that there is a small part of me who is giving him the benefit of the doubt. Hmm, should I text him later? Just to confirm?

"Wouldn't that make us look stupid again?", I asked myself out loud. Well, I honestly don't know what to believe in anymore. I should have not done that. Now here I am with Josh bothering my mind again. I hate this.

I let out a sigh and realized that I was already wasting a lot of water so I just focused on washing myself.


I have been trying to sleep for minutes already but I just can't. I grabbed my phone on my bed side table to look at the time, its 1:30 am.

Ugh, I cannot hold this in anymore. I rose up from my bed, went to the guest room where Kate is already fast asleep. I carefully picked up her phone to get Josh's number. Yup, I'm gonna send him a message.

I went back to my bed after putting his number on my phone and typed a message.


sent 1:37 am

To my surprise, he immediately responded.

hey what's up
sent 1:39 am

please just answer honestly.
are you really not josh?
sent 1:41 am

thankfully, i'm not. he sounds stupid.
sent 1:43 am

if you're not him then how did you end up with his exact same number?
sent 1:44 am


onestly, i don't know too.
this phone along with the number
was just given to me by my manager
sent 1:47 am

Okay, what? Why would his manager give him a phone? This is getting too confusing for me.

wait, why would your
manager give you a phone?
josh, you seriously need
to step up with this
dumb excuses you
are coming up with.
sent 1:50 am

but that is the truth!
i'm just here for a business trip.
so my manager gave
this phone to me
as a temporary means
of communication.
i am really not your ex
and i wouldn't want to be
sent 1:51 am

anyway, i hope you get over your ex boyfriend. he sounds like a total asshole anyway
sent 3:44 pm.

i chuckled at his reply. even though i feel ashamed about that call thingy earlier, it seems like we'll get along well.

yes, i know :))
sent 3:45 pm.

okay. need to go now. i still have
stage rehearsals. bye!
sent 3:47 pm.

by the way i'm
summer or sum or sam
and thanks
sent 3:50 pm.

i hung up and scrolled to my call logs to see if I called the right one and, yes.

my previous call was josh. but why was it somebody else?

i disregarded that thought and remembered kate's coffee. i will be dead if I wouldn't bring one back.

i drove to my favorite coffee place and ordered our drinks.

but someone cut the line.

" I'll have one americano please " the small guy in front of me said.

i poked him and he looked at me showing no emotions.

woah i've never seen this fierce looking guy here before.

" what? " he said under a cold tone.

i just stared at him. he looks like asian, and he got some looks right there.

" i know i'm handsome. i get that a lot " oh and he's conceited.

" too much confidence can kill " i said and left. but i guess he heard me cause he glared at me.

yes, he's good looking but damn his attitude is soooo no no.

he finally got his order and got out of the way. i just ordered an iced latte to calm my mood because of that guy and also, to forget that i called a random guy which I thought was my ex.

i walked over to my favorite spot at the seat beside the window and there i saw him again.

he was sitting at my favorite spot. while singing?
his voice is so... good? but its a different language and he has a bit husky voice.

i knew it. he's asian. he spoke english well wow.

" you again? am I that good looking for you to follow me? " he said with a teasing smile.

" no. its just that you are at my favorite spot and your voice- "

" it can make a flower bloom, right? yeah i've been told "

" no. actually, it can make a flower die and burry itself just to not hear your voice " i said with a sarcastic smile which made him stare at me with a blank expression.

i left him like that and made my way out of that cafe.


" did you drown at the coffee shop? the last time I checked its just a 10 minutes walk from here and you used your car so its just a 3 minute drive " kate said while her arms were crossed.

i just glared at her and gave her coffee to stop her from blabbing. god she's so noisy.

" its traffic you know? like, bumper to bumper " i lied, again. she didn't even listened and read her book again. so i just sat at the floor and crossed my legs.

i sent after a minute or two and I immediately changed the contact's name from joshua to jungkook.

maybe that jungkook boy is right. i sure need to get over him.

and i will.

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