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It hurts to see you everyday. We walk past each other everyday in the hallways at school. Like we never even knew one another. It's really hard trying to act like I don't love or miss you. Trying not to just break down and cry when
I see you.
I walked inside the double doors of Chandler Park Academy High School. I made a left turn down the senior hallway ,and went straight to my locker. Putting in my locker combination, 24-7-18.
I picked up my history book and two binders. After closing and locking my locker,I began walking to class. Halfway to class, I felt my books being snatched away from me.

I looked up to see who it was. I calmed down once I saw it was my best friend, Sebastian. Now, my best friend is a tall, muscular, sexy piece of chocolate....I mean, I can't have an ugly friend. He smiled at me, showing his pearly whites.

"What? I can't carry my best  friend's books?", he asked.

I just smiled at him and gave him a hug. I could only hug his torso, considering the fact that he's 6'3, while I'm only 5'3.

"You sure you don't want me to carry my stuff? You don't have to carry all that plus mine."

"I know I don't have to but I want to. You say it like I'm weak or something.", he glared at me.

I chuckled,"I didn't say all of that."

We walked into our first period, History. The first thing I saw was Chresanto, my ex of only two weeks now, all hugged up on this boy named Daniel.

I stopped at the door. Sebastian saw my  face, and pulled me to our desks in the back of the classroom. He put my books on my desk, and his books on his. I sat down in my desk and looked down at my fingers, trying my hardest to hold back the tears.

"Jacob, look at me.",Sebastian spoke lightly.

I peered up at him, his facial expression changed once he saw the tears in my eyes. He sighed and crouched down to my level.

"Look, he didn't deserve you anyway. Remember all the times you came crying to me? Anyone who makes you cry on a daily basis does not deserve you, okay?", he wiped a tear that escaped off of my face.

I nodded and hugged him.

"Thanks, best friend."

He smiled and hugged me back. The teacher walked in and Sebastian sat at his desk ,next to mine.

"Chresanto and Daniel, no PDA in my class.", Ms. Norbury said.

I looked over and watched Chresanto wipe his lips and wink at Daniel. I sighed, throwing on the my hood of my Nirvana jacket, and slumping down in my chair.

Sebastian sighed. . . I don't know how much longer I can endure this pain.


Hiiiii....I haven't written a story in a while. I stopped my last story because of writer's block. But, I think this story will be easier to write because some parts of the story relates to my life.

Vote and comment for the next chapter. I hope you enjoy!

                                         - Oly

I Don't Need You. (BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora