Chapter 14 - I Don't Want to Walk Without You

Start from the beginning

His brother slumped with relief. "I didn't think about that." Then his expression became more determined. "Father ran the mine through the First World War, but he still managed to date and marry Mother."

Jonathon sighed. "Look, Billy, I understand why you're saying this. You shouldn't worry about me. I'm fine with the way things are."

"How can you be? Don't you want–"

"Believe me," Jonathon said firmly to stop him. "I'm alright." He met his brother's questioning gaze, willing Billy to believe him.

"Alright, if you say so," Billy said dispiritedly, scooping up a last forkful of scrambled eggs.

Watching him eat, Jonathon wondered if Billy had hoped inviting Kitty would be a way to encourage Jonathon to reach out to Helen, not realizing Jonathon had already tried. He wouldn't be surprised. It was just the kind of thing Billy would think to do.

Even though his brother wasn't as tough as he'd like, he was naturally a kind person. Jonathon had noticed his thoughtfulness was something that drew others to him, made others at the office want to work with him. That wasn't a bad quality to have in business.

Jonathon hated seeing his brother disappointed. They had so little to be happy about these days. "I'll ask Annie to make something special for dinner tonight, how about that?" he offered.

"Please don't," Billy said with pained expression. "I just want it to be a regular meal, nothing fancy."

"Sure, if that's what you want, but we should still let Annie know we're going to have a guest."

"I'll do it," Billy said with a sigh, standing with his plate.

After he'd left the room, Jonathon set down his fork. He was surprised his brother was upset he wasn't dating anyone. Jonathon hadn't had time to reflect on his situation once he knew for a fact Helen was no longer available. But now that Billy had brought it up, was he really sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life without someone to share it with? Maybe he should consider dating again.

But when he considered the available females in town, the ones he'd grown up with, he mentally rejected each one, just like he had while he was still in high school. They were too simplistic, too simpering, too small town. He couldn't stand the thought of being tied down with any of them. Helen really had been his one chance for happiness, he mused grimly.

He got up from the table and tucked his paper under his arm. He was happy enough being married to his work, and he had his brother to share that with. Billy was his partner, and the two of them would run the mine together for the rest of their lives.


That evening Jonathon was in the grand parlor mixing a drink when he saw headlights sweeping past the windows. Then he heard Billy running down the stairs.

"Johnny, Kitty's here!" Billy said, popping his head in the doorway. He was gone before Jonathon could reply, and Jonathon shook his head while he smiled. He didn't understand why Billy was so excited about having Kitty over. It was just dinner.

He heard the front door open and a cold air blew past Jonathon. Then Kitty laughed. "It's freezing out here!"

"Come in! Come in!" Billy said, slamming the door shut.

With his drink made, Jonathon headed for the hallway, but when he caught Billy pulling Kitty towards him to give her a kiss, he stepped back so he wouldn't be seen. He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, waiting for them to finish while he forced himself not to feel any emotions.

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