Chapter 2

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(Taeyeon p.o.v)

"Ahhhh this week is gonna be fantastic! we have to get your wedding dress, your cake, a suit for your fiancee, Omg! im so excited" Tiffany, my bestfriend said as she started to jump on my bed.

I giggled "yeah yeah but relax girl" i said and she laughed "no promises, but i cant believe that you are marrying Choi Seunghyun. the richest guy ever with the biggest company! that's huge girl, you are really lucky" i fake smiled and then started putting my hair in a pony tail "yeah, Fany so lucky" i said

"so did you meet seunghyun's man of honor yet?" she asked me "not yet, but the guy is coming for the pool party" i said getting up and pulling tiffany off my bed "we better get going before we're late" i said "ok, ok" tiffany said as she started fixing her hair, then she took my keys and pulled me out of the room, well someone looks excited

~~~at the pool party~~~

"my oh my seunghyun your pool party is totally awesome" tiffany said as she took a drink of her water

"the best for my taetae" seunghyun said as he gave me a quick kiss on my lips, i smiled "aww thanks baby, so what time is the man of honor coming?" i asked him and he checked his watch " he should be here by now, let me call him, excuse me for a moment girls" he said as he went inside "oh my he is so sweet!" tiffany said loudly, i just giggled "yeah he is awesome" i said taking a sip of my 3rd cup of sex on the beach drink, i really love this drink

~~~2 hours later~~~

"excuse me sir your friend is here, he is in the living room waiting for you" seunghyun's butler Peter said "thanks Peter you can go now" seunghyun said given a smile "yes sir" Peter said and left "I'll be right back hun" seunghyun said planting a kiss on my lips before leaving.

"what he said?" i asked tiffany a bit loud and drunk "i dont know, i think he told you to have fun" tiffany said drunk as well, then out of nowhere she went and started to kiss with some random guy

"alright, I'll be back" i shouted at tiffany while walking over to the bar getting another drink but then i started feeling dizzy and my legs were weak like if they're about to fall off, i was keeping my balance until Seungri knocked me over and pushed me into the pool.

"A-ahhhh H-h-helppppp!!!" I shouted as i started to drown, No one could hear me because of the loud music and everyone was too drunk to notice me... I felt myself sinking even more, the last think i heard was seunghyun calling my name and then a splash in the water

~~~minutes later~~~

"Babe wake up, please wake up" I could hear seunghyun's voice while shaking my body, i slowly opened my eyes and met with seunghyun's eyes

"what happened?" i asked him softly

"You fall in the pool babe, you were drowning but luckly my buddy here saved you" seunghyun said patting someone next to him, i slowly turned my head to look at the person who saved my life, my eyes met with this person's light chocolate brown eyes, those eyes...i know those eyes, they were my addiction, my fear and my past.

"J-jiyong?" i slowly said but then everything turned black again

(Author's note)
Sorry guys for the late update, I was in a little (not really) hesitate but don't worry cuz I'm back. I promise you guys that from now on I'm gonna start updating this story. See you guys later and don't forget to comment and follow me. Bye my chingus and thanks for reading my story

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