1. The Stampede

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October 28th 1988. Santa Barbara, California

(Ruby's POV)

I am late. I am so late. Those words kept repeating over and over in my head. I put on my headphones and press play on my Walkman as I stand up from the bench I was sitting on.

Loaded like a freight train, flyin' like an aeroplane, feelin' like a space brain one more time tonight.

I dust off my black jeans and fix my turtleneck as I start walking down the road. I mouth the words to "Nightrain" by Guns N' Roses as I bang my fingers in the air to match the rhythm of the song. Today will be a very busy day in the flower shop, especially since we just reopened it after a little well-deserved vacation. Clara, my best and probably only friend and co-worker, is probably already in the shop, she will get so angry if I don't get there soon.

I hear a loud noise behind my back but decide to pay no attention to it, I don't need to distract myself right now, I can't be late on my first day back and I can't let Mrs Arquette down. I pick up the pace as I hear another loud sound, but this time it sounds closer to me and a weird feeling makes the back of my neck tingle. Focus, Ruby. You can't be late. It's probably nothing. Just focus. I take a deep breath and start to list all the pending orders in my head.

Sunflower bouquet for Mrs Jefferson that one should be quick, rose bouquet for Jamie's anniversary, who even gives their soulmate roses these days? I need to order some chrysanthemums for the funeral bouquet for the Mas-

My thoughts are interrupted by a strange force pulling me to the ground. A shiver runs down my spine and fear invades my brain as I feel a body on top of me. I try to stand up but a heavy thing on top of me doesn't let me. I start to panic and I try to reach out for something, anything, but it's useless. I can feel my headphones getting snatched away from my head. Am I getting robbed? Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my hand and my head. Am I getting kidnapped? I feel a warm liquid, which I'm guessing is blood, sliding down the back of my hand as I try to stand up, once again failing. I try to become aware of the situation but I can only hear a loud ring inside my head. I feel warm tears falling down my cheek as panic takes over my body. Maybe it's finally my time. I feel another bang on my head and suddenly everything becomes black as I lose consciousness.

(Michael's POV)

"What do you mean you can't find the car? How does someone lose a car?" I yell at the phone, frustrated.

"I'm very sorry Michael, it must have been stolen, or Aiden must have confused the parking spot. We are doing our best to find out what happened to it" Bill replies on the other side of the line, his voice faint due to the loud roaring of the fans outside.

"You know I can't be late to this meeting, Frank scheduled it all the way back in June!" I say, pinching the bridge of my nose and panicking at the thought of my manager disappointed in me for not getting there on time.

"I know, and again, I am very sorry Michael. Do you want me to call Frank and explain the situation?" Bill asks with a genuinely concerned voice.

"No, it's too late for that now. I'll figure something out, thank you, Bill." I say before hanging up the lobby's landline.

Great. I'm late. I let out the loudest sigh and I pinch the bridge of my nose. Out of nowhere, an idea comes to my head. Maybe we can still win this battle. I walk up to Pete, Aiden and Jack, three of my bodyguards, I give Aiden an annoyed look before gathering them around.

"I have an idea but I need your help if we are going to make this work. One of you will put on my fedora and sunglasses, you will walk outside the hotel and try to distract the fans. Then, I will head out and run the other way and try to make it to the studio, it's not too far from here so hopefully I can get there quick." I explain the plan to the guards, trying to imagine all the possible outcomes, praying to the heavens this crazy idea actually works.

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