Chapter 12

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The packing was a draining process. I didn't think that it would take so long. My father arranged the Jet which will be ready in an two hours. Yes that's right we packed until midnight last night and its six in the morning, and might I add it is freezing here. I arranged for the town car to collect us at six our flight leaves at seven thirty. Luckily when you fly on a private jet then the international gates are quick for us we normally check in before hand. Sad thing is we will have to make a stop for fuel. we will hopefully be on the tar in Seattle around 4 am tomorrow morning if all goes well.

We have been in the air for more than 10 hours now. The captain announced that will indeed not be making a stop but will be flying directly to Seattle. which means we might land around 12 to 2 am. That means we still have lets see 12 hours on this plane. luckily we have everything on board from fully equipped bathroom to a very luxury bedroom. My father never really flaunted his wealth. Maybe that is because he grew up poor. And he made sure that my mother and brother and I was not found out. But as for Dilton's parents they never new who my father really was. I refused to tell them because they were always so sure that I was after Dilton for his money and Status. But meanwhile my family was worth 10 times more than they are. I knew if I told them they would be all fake towards me. Dilton also didn't know until we got married. He only ever met my parents when we went on vacations.  Maybe that was my first mistake in our marriage. Keeping that info from him. He was furious when I told him the truth. But he also understood why I Never said anything. We were both brought up in wealth but in two totally different worlds. I always lived as a middle class kid. Driving cars that has seen better days. Wearing plane cloths. Where he grew up flaunting what they had.

"Mommy" Matthew brought me back to realty. Shaking my head I looked over to him smiling.

"Yes Buddy?"

"Me Hungry" shit it is like way past his lunch time.

"Sorry buddy, come lets make you a sandwich" I was busy pushing myself off the chair when a young lady appeared next me.

"Sorry ma'am, here we go I was asked to bring this over." I looked over my shoulder to see my mother smiling at me. All I could do was mouth thank you to her.

I fell asleep after that and only woke when the plane shook. I actually had a fright.

"Honey we just landed, we tried to wake you up but you were dead" my mom says with a smile.

"Oh" was all i could managed.

"Relax honey it is dark outside, no one will notice you. And your father improved the security."

"Thank you Mom, now lets go home shall we"

The drive to the Cage estate was about 30 min but it felt like 2 hours. I just feared that Dilton has someone spying on my parents to find me. Today is my meeting with Grace and tomorrow is the big reveal. My nerves are on end. I don't know what to think. How will all my fans take the news. what will happen if Dilton finds out. I am just worried about Matthew. but at least he will be safe for now. Eventually the Cage Estate gates came to view. It still looks exactly the same as when I left.  

"Sweetheart, your father and I are really happy your home. Let's get settled so you can attend your meeting." I gave my mother a tight hug loving the feel of her warmth. It reminded me of when I was young.

"I am also glad mom. Now let's get going I want a snooze and a long hot bath before the shit hit the fan" as soon as the cursed word left my mouth I put my hand over my mouth giggling. Looking at my moult her she is smiling from ear to ear. I lift my perfectly shaped eyebrow in question to her smile normally she would scold me.

"It's just great hearing you giggle again." She confesses as she exits the car.

I took a hour nap feeling refreshed. Had a hot bath with bath crystal just to wash all the jetlag off. Now sitting in the kitchen a my mother prepare for my meeting with Grace.

"So sweetheart tell me what is your plan with Matthew are you going to tell his father?" My mother asked while her back is turned to me.

"Took you long enough to ask. How long have you known?"

"Since the moment I met him. He looks just like his father there is no doubt about that."She says as she places the tray of snacks on the kitchen counter in front of me.

"So why not ask me then why now?"

"Didn't want to scare you off again. We just found you. Your father said you will tell us as soon as you are ready and not to push you. But with you revealing yourself there is no doubt that Matthew will also be found and as soon as he is plastered on every cover of every magazine and newspaper there is no doubt that Dilton will get suspicious. I just don't want him to be in the cross fire,he didn't ask for this." She took a deep breath." Can I give you my advise?"
I nodded for her to continue because I knew that what she was saying is the truth and that this might be difficult for Matthew.

"Okay I am not saying you have to do this I am just giving you advise. Why don't you go to Dilton and reveal everything to him before your reveal tomorrow. I can arrange for a meeting at his office or here.?" She looked at me with hopeful eyes

"I don't know mom. I still live him but he broke my heart and I don't know if I can trust him again" Before she could reply the door bell rang.

"I will get it" I said as I got up

Walking to the door I thought about what my mother said and even though what she said was the right thing to do I was still hesitant. Deep in thought I opened the door no really registering who is standing on the threshold until my thought are interupted by some one clearing their throat. Coking from my daze my eyes focused on the one face I did not expect to see standing in front of me.

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