Chapter Two.

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BAM! Second chapter! I'm proud... :')

This chapter is dedicated to @CherryBug and @augustbaby

Their comments are so sweet! And they are my first comments :)

Song: Popular Song   by Arianda Grande and MIKA


Picture of River on the sideeeee ------> (He's the right one)


"Dee, i think you're not the only one with problems..." I immediately say as she picked up her phone. "What the.." "HUSH PEASANT!" a chuckle sounds through the phone. "But seriously, my mom is the worst. " "Tell me girl!" "Alright, so i got home, and my mom immediately took me to some place i've never been before. So we got there, and there was this apartment building. We got in en went to the last floor. My mom got a key for one of the doors, and when we stepped inside, it was the most amazing appartment i have ever seen. But it was a little small." I hear Dee facepalming. "Honey, that isn't that bad, is it? But why did Rosie take you there?" "ssssssh! I wasn't finished! My mom showed me all the rooms and stuuf, nd afer fifteen minutes, we heard a door. So we went to the living room to see that River Scott and his mom were standing there! So apparently His mom and my mom made an agreement. They are going to rent that appartment for a year, and let me and River live in it. They're hoping that i would be less up tight, and that River s going to be more... nerdy like at the end of the year. I'M MoVING IN TOMORROW! THIS. IS. HELL!" Is she seriously laughing right now? My life is pretty much screwed up and she's lauging? "Rob! Have you even looked at River tody? I mean, have you been living under a rock or something? HE IS HOTT! You have to admit that!" "Wow! Just broke up with your boyfriend? Aren't you supposed to be crying, eating ice and chocolate and watch sad romantic comedies?" Ok. That sounded a little harsh. "Well, i..." A different voice sounds through the phone. "Dee, are you almost done? Drew's here!" No way. NO WAY! "DEE! Are you serious? why is that douche at your place?" "Well, i kinda agreed to go on a date with him so he can explain everything?" It sounds like a question. "Alright, Dee, if tonight turns out very bad, please text me and i will make sure that he will never have kids! You get that?" "Yes. But i gotta go. Bye!"

When i'm in bed, i think about how tomorrow will be. First i have to go to school. And let me tell you something about King High. We have three different kinds of people walking around here. Let's start at the bottom. The Nerds. Not the typical nerds with glasses and braces and all that, but they do get straight A's and they like star wars and everything. They get bullied and ignored by the popular kids. The footballteam, the cheerleadingsquad, those kind of people. Ofcourse, like in every chick flick high school movie, there's a queen bee bitch. In my case, that's Gina Goldman. I can only say that she opens two things. Her mouth, and her legs. Believe me. She has screwed almost every guy in school. Except for the nerds and one other guy. River Scott. I don't know why, but he has screwed almost every girl in school. Except me, Gina and a few other girls. Gina has her personal 'body guards'. Kelly and Kaysey. They are bitches too, but less worse. Oh, and then there's mt catagory. The kind of people who aren't very popular, but aren't bullied and ignored either. I have two best friends. Dee, you've already met her, and Jason. Another openly gay guy. It's strange, he and the guy who Drew cheaten with on Dee have never been together. Jason always says that 'he's not his type'. 

Anyway, i'm pretty curious about tomorrow. Let's watch how it goes.


OMG that was the most crappy chapter i have ever written in my entire life... Sorry!!!!!!


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