Chapter 7

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Alice's POV

After Emmet left my house, I had to go to training. When I walked in Kyle already had everything set up. "You know Alice you should wear a shirt when you are training because I don't like looking at my sister half naked." I looked down at what I was wearing, I was wearing a purple and black sports bra, shorts, and tennis shoes. I didn't see a problem with what I am wearing because I always wear this when I work out, but he isn't there when I do so. I guess it would bother me if I was him and having to see my sister half naked as he puts it. "I will try to remember for next time. "

When training was over I walked back to my house. Then I saw Tori run up to me. "What are you wearing?!" She said looking kind of shocked. I don't see what is wrong. I guess since I go to work out like at midnight, nobody sees me so they don't know what I wear. I only go at midnight or later because nobody is usually at the gym. And I like to have some alone time. "Is that all you came to tell me?" I said with a smile. "No... Well , actually yeah." I laughed at her. "But you should seriously cover up Alice." I am walking home to change now. While we were talking Noah walked up to us. I gave him a smile. I could see his eyes scanning my body. I blushed. "Tori, you remember Noah right?" She looked over to him. "Of course." I was deciding whether or not to tell her about Noah and I. I was planning to wait two weeks to tell her at first because I wasn't going to be grounded in two weeks, but now that Emmet cleared everthing up I don't know if I should still tell her in two weeks. "So Tori about you wait here while go change and we can go for a run." She smiled. "Ok." "Noah you can wait with her if you would like, or you can come in and see meet my dad." Tori gave me a confused look. Because She knows he is not a wolf also and usually we don't let humans meet my father, but Noah isn't a human either. I actually still don't know what he is, because he won't tell me yet. " I will come with you." Tori is still trying to figure this all out. Noah and I walked inside my house. I looked around to make sure none of my brothers and parents were around. Then I took Noah's hand and lead him to my room. He just looked around, my house amazed, by its size.I just laughed at him some. "I have to get changed so you wait in here." I said to him grabbing clothes and heading to my bathroom. He just nodded his head.

Noah's POV

Alice brought me inside her house,and lead me to her room. Her house was so huge, and it looked amazing. Which I guess this makes since it's the alphas house and all. Once we got to her room, she told me to wait in there while she got changed in her bathroom. Even though I thought she looked smoking hot in what she was wearing before. While she was getting changed I walked around looking at the pictures she has on her walls. They were mainly her when she was a kid, with Tori. One photo stood out to me the most. She was standing in meadow Holding a flower and wearing a yellow sundress. The thing that stood out the most to me was the person in the back ground. Of course he was smaller because he was not close to them. Even though he was really small in the photo I knew who he was. He was somebody from my past. I am going to have to go and see him this weekend. Right before Alice came out I put the picture in my jacket. I am going to need it for this weekend.

Alice's Pov

When I got out Noah was still sitting on my bed. "Have you been sitting there the whole time?" He got off the bed and walked over to me. "I might have walked around some." I smiled at him. He pulled me closer to him. "So, what are you going to do now since you are grounded and all." "I am actually not grounded anymore. Emmet cleared everything up with my dad. And I told you I was going running with Tori. " He gave me a smile."I guess I will see ya there." "What do you mean by that??" He gave me a smirk."Well I am pretty sure you are going to the river, and I will see you two there." "Oh. Are you just going to walk there, or would you like a ride or something. " "I am not going to do either, but I am not telling you what I am actually going to do. " What is he going to do then." Then we should get going. " I said leading him back down stairs.

Tori was still outside when we got there. "It took y'all a while." She said. "I know, but we are here now so let's get going." She gave me a look , and her voice popped in my head 'We can't just shift in front him, he will find out what we are.' I looked at Noah and then back at Tori. 'True, I guess we just wait a bit then.' She nodded her head. Even though Noah knows what we are Tori doesn't know that he knows. ' We could just run like normal humans until he leaves.' I said back to Tori. 'I guess we could do that.' We then started running into the woods. When I looked back to see what Noah was doing, he was gone. We only ran a few feet from the house, how could he disappear that quick. "He is gone." I said to Tori , with a confused look on my face. I looked at her and saw she looked the same way. "Wasn't he just behind us." I nodded my head. "Well I guess we can shift now. " With that we shifted, and headed to the river.

Once we got there, I saw that Noah was sitting on the rock. How did he get here before us?? I saw that Tori was confused also. Noah wasn't looking at us so we went behind a tree and shifted. When I was finished I walked over to Noah. Tori wasn't done changing yet. "How did you get here before us?!" He just gave me a smirk. He steppedoff the rock and pulled me close to him. "Well?" I said with a smile on my face. "I guess I am just a fast runner." He said still having smirking. I juts rolled my eyes, and pulled away because I knew Tori would be done any minute. "Alice you have to tell her at some point why don't you just tell her now?" He said grabbing my hand to make me turn back to him. I just kept looking at the ground. He lifted my chin up so our eyes met. "I know, I just don't know how yet." "I will be right here next to you if you need help." What he said made me feel some what better, but I still wasn't sure if I should tell Tori yet. With out us knowing Tori came out from behind the trees. "I knew it! There is something going on between you two." I turned to look at her. Noah had let my hand go. I blushed. "Tori, where did you come from?" She just laughed. "From behind the trees. Now whats going on between you and Noah here?" She said looking eager to know. I knew I couldn't keep it from her any longer. "NoahandIaremates." I mumbled out. "I did't get any of that." "Fine, Noah and I are mates." I said with a smile. "Yay!! Alice I am so happy for you!!" She said pulling me into a big hug. "Can't breath." I managed to get out. "Oh sorry." She said letting me go. "How come you never told me?" "I just found out like a day ago, and I didn't know how." She nodded her head.

We sat by the river talking for a few hours. "Well it's time for me to get back home." I said looking at Noah. He helped me stand up. While we were talking I told Tori that he knows what we are, but I didn't tell her that he isn't human. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tori wasn't there she must have left thinking we needed alone time. " Would you like me to walk you home?" He said pulling me close to him. I blushed some. "I guess that would be nice." He smiled. He places his hand in mine, and we walked together to my house. Once we got to my house, it was starting to get dark. "Well, I guess this is it." I said holding both of his hands. "Not really, I could come back later." I look into his eyes, they were amazing. They were all these different pools of blue. "That's true. I guess I will see you later." He smiled. "See you later then." He said kissing my cheek goodbye. I smiled and went inside.

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