A Parents Worst Nightmare

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ok sweetheart, it is time for bed.
I over heard mom talking to my sister, i knew i had to go to bed soon, but after the other day, i was still a bit shaken.
After a while, mom told me to go to bed, i did.
I had been awoken by the voice, that said

Adam, it is time.

Every word was like nails on a chalkboard, it was frightening and at the same time annoying.  I wondered  what it had meant, but then i realised, what he said a few days ago.
I ran to my sisters room, she was fast asleep, i wanted to make sure, so i went to her bed and slowly trying not to awaken her, and as my hands pulled the blankets back, my eyes widened with fear.
Why would this happen?i thought

Amy was gone.

I ran downstairs to my parents room  and awoke them furiously.

Mom, Dad wake up! the only thoughts going through my mind was,  how can i save her, and where is she?

Mom and Dad woke up, i told them she wasn't in there, they ran up to the room and came face to face with it.
It had her in its hand, it was tall and dark, like a shadow, like a demon.
It held her and then it went in the closet, i could here Amy screaming, she was calling out for me to save her.  I ran towards the closet, but when i opened it, it was just an empty closet, i looked to my parents in disbelief, she had gotten taken by something.
That very night we went to a specialist for spiritual anomalies, her and her crew came to our house to get Amy back.

As she walked in with her crew, she asked us what the thing looked like.  We didn't get a good look at it but we did see it, it seemed as if it were some type of shadow animal.

Did it have wings?

Yes, they were like a mix between a bats and a birds wing.

Ok, that is not good.

What do you mean?  Are we going to get Amy back?

Hopefully, but what you have here is some sort of demon, i wonder why it is here, did it say anything to any of you?

Yes, said mom, Adam said it said that it was coming for Amy but it didn't say why.

I think he got trapped in here, and when most spirits do they usually would take an innocent to get them out.  How old was Amy?

She was six, do you think that is why it took her?

Possibly, but im not for sure, there are other possibilities, like, he is not trapped and wants to bring his master a soul, or he is wanting to kill all of you for his amusement, but it could be either one of those.

Well, which one is it?

I dont now that is what we have to find out.

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