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I walked into the director's office praying that he wasn't about to fire me for what I screamed. Not that he would've heard it, but at Camp Sanderson, it's hard not to hear about something. I took a seat in one of the chairs across from the director, whose chair was currently facing the wall.

"Do you know why I've called you in here Miss Johnson?" The director questioned. His deep, masculine voice made me shiver.

"N-no sir." I stuttered. I slumped in my seat when I heard no reply. The director, still anonymous, got up from his chair and grazed his bookshelf, his back facing me. He grabbed a random book and chucked it at the wall behind me. He spun around and did a little spinny jump as if to say 'tada!' My jaw dropped when I saw my new director.

"HARRY?" I shouted. Harry. Harry fucking Styles was my new camp director?! Well that explains why Sam and I are in the same cabin...

"That's right! Tis I, Harry Styles, making my camp directing debut at the one and only... CAMP SANDERSON!" Harry cheered. He did a little, what I'd call a victory lap in his office. Of course it was just him jogging in a tiny circle. I clapped as he bowed, mouthing 'Thank you! Thank you! You're all too kind!' I giggled.

"May I leave now, Director Styles?" I asked, a giant smile on both of our faces.
"Yes, but I expect you to treat me as you would with any of your coworkers." He stated, squinting his eyes and pointing his index finger at me. It feels like I'm getting reprimanded by a curly-haired flamingo.

"Don't count on it, Styles." I sassed as I stood up and punched him playfully in the arm. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Harry rubbing his arm where I punched him. I knew I didn't hit him that hard. I smirked at Harry and exited the office.

Sorry this chapter was short! I will make them longer as the story goes on. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!

Okay I'm sorry but if you would like to, you can follow me on instagram @ irwinshield

Okay that's all for chapter two! Don't forget to comment and vote! :)


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