Prolouge: World of magic

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Authors notes: I'm a new writer so can you give me some constructive criticism. P.s.this is not the whole prolouge.

This is not how I expected the worlds greatest magic academy to be like. Spectacular yet bland. In the 2 weeks I've been here we've only been taught a floating spell. I mean seriously we live in a dangerous world filled with ogres, dragons, chimera, hydra,and well you get my point. I mean if I'm being chased by a Reaper a floating spell isn't going to save me. Don't even get me started on how strict the school is. No magic on campus unless supervised, you can only check out one book at a time, and the worst part is we have seperate boys and girls dorms. I wonder if I can sneak-

"Zander, name the three properties of magic." Oh? I forgot she was even talking. Three properties? There are four.

"Light, elemental, psychic, and da-"

"Zander! You know very well dark magic is forbidden I will not give you another warning." Jeez its not like I use dark magic. Not my style. Besides I more than anyone should know the dangers of wielding it.

"Sorry, Ms.Solbane."

"Let us continue." I wonder why are we even learning this?what kinda idiot doesn't already know the properties of magic?

"Light magic is powered by the gods of light Aetheria, Dermyn, & Perithius." Ok I admit I didn't know that. Honestly I thought it was the sun that powered it.

"Elemental magic involves using nature as a weapon. For example fire,water,wind, and earth are all types of elemental magic." Yes yes, keep on babbling its not like I have a life or anything.

"Finally Psychic magic allows us to perform extraordinary feats with our minds." Extraordinary? You call floating extraordinary? "That is all for today class, do not forget to study for tomorrows exam." I hate how everyone rushes towards the door like a herd of goblins. Oh wait I have to catch up to Claire, out of my way simpletons!

"Claire, wait up."

"Hey Zander, do you need something?" Damn since when do I need a reason to talk to her.

"I was um, wondering if you wanted to study together for the exam." Yes great excuse it'll make her think I'm smart. Wait a second I am smart.

"Actually I was looking for a study partner, meet me at the library later and make sure you're on time." Finally I get to spend some quality time with her without that fool Jerald tagging along. Why is she looking at me? Should I lean in to kiss her? Wait she's not looking at me, behind me.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Jackal the wind master, but what's he doing here?" What is he doing here? "Is he talking to the headmaster?"

"Looks like." Why is he here? So far from the north.

"Anyway, I'll see you at the library later, don't forget." I watched Claire walk off towards the girls dorm until she was out of sight. Why is he here? Hmm, I suppose thinking about it won't help might as well kill time at the library till class starts.

Walking down the grand hall is something I never liked. They hang the portraits of past headmasters along the walls. It makes me feel like I'm being watched.

"Zander!" What? Is the painting talking to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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