Chapter 1

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--Chapter 1--

I woke up due to the sound of my loud alarm as my eyes fluttered open, heavy from my eyelashes. I dreaded from the thought of going to school today. I didn't go yesterday and like most people, I don't like school. Not because of the work, of course, that's part of it. But because its the same day repeating over and over again until something exciting happens.

I sat up on my comfortable bed to yawn incredibly loud as I stretched. It always seemed as my bed was way more comfortable in the morning then it was at night, when it was impossible to sleep.

I found the strength to stand up and make my way over to the bathroom to get ready.

After what seemed like 10 minutes of attempting to look nice for a normal day at school, I walked down stairs to meet the pair of eyes of my dad. "Morning." His warm smile greeted.

I took a look at the dining table that had 2 plates of eggs and bacon scattered on them, looking perfect. "Morning." I replied back, with a slight smile. I sat down at the table, guessing which plate was mine. "Looks good."

"I got you an early birthday present." He stated as he sat down next to me and took a spoonful of the scrambled eggs.

"My birthday's in 4 months." I spoke, with humor in my voice before biting a piece of the bacon in my hand.

"I'm extremely early." He smiled. "Anyways, its outside. You'll see it when you leave to school."

I stood up after a while to put my plate in the sink, before grabbing my bag and heading outside to check out the 'present' he bought me. As soon as I was outside, my eyes landed on the vehicle that was parked in front of our house.

That's when I heard the house door re-open and close and the footsteps neared me. "So, do you like it?" My dad's voice asked with curiosity.

I examined the car. It looked good enough for me. It wasn't those type of new, sports cars. Yet it wasn't an old trash. It looked pretty useful. It would get me to the places I needed to be at without having my dad to depend on taking me.

"Yeah, thanks dad. I love it." I said as I turned to give him a hug.

"You can handle the responsibility of a car, right?"

"Of course. Don't worry."

He grinned at me before digging in his pocket and pulling out a familiar high pitch jingling noise. He handed me the keys while I smiled like a freak. "Have fun in school today, sweetheart."

I nodded even though I knew that wasn't what it would be like in school today. I was just excited because of my new car. Well, my first car.


As I pulled up to the front of the school, I parked in a parking lot feeling something strange yet exciting. I knew I'd have to get use to the idea of having a car now.

I locked the car door and walked towards the entrance of the school where very little people were arriving as well. The school didn't have so many students. Less than five hundred, in fact. Maybe the little movement of the students here is what made this school so different from the other schools and not as thrilling.

I met up with my best friend, Nina at my locker. "Where were you yesterday?" She almost yells, frowning at me.

"Well hello to you too." I tease her as I opened my locker and got out what I needed before turning to her. "Wasn't feeling well, anyway."

"You left me all alone!" She whined. Me and Nina weren't really considered popular or anything, but we weren't nerds or freaks either. We had our group of friends. We were pretty much in the middle but even in this small school, I don't think that anyone is considered popular.

Love BitesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora