Chapter 7

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We were leaving Florida today to head back to California. I was nervous, but yet looking forward to going back . I missed my dad so much and my friends. I was ready to go back being my new happier healthy self.

I walked into the kitchen while Reid was cleaning out the fridge. I wrapped my arms around him and started to kiss his back. Did I mention he was shirtless? My sexual attraction for my mate had always been there, even when I was depressed, but this moment exactly, it was back with a vengeance. I wanted to touch him every chance I got. I had more than enough opportunity earlier this morning, but still I wasn't satisfied. I reached around him and my hands tugged at his boxers playfully. Then my hand lowered and reached inside, finding its desired target.

He chuckled lightly. Reid certainly wasn't complaining by all this newfound touch and affection."You want more after last night and this morning mate?"

I blushed into his back. "If you can manage." I whispered which produced a short laugh from him. He turned and cupped my butt. We began kissing.

Making love to him last night felt so right. I didn't know why I had put it off for so long. Reid made me feel like I always had, safe and collected. Then in the morning to show that I was completely comfortable with the night before, I asked him for more.

Reid, fully assured that I regretted nothing, indeed gave me more.

He pulled away. "I have to clean the fridge, there's no time to-." He bit his lip and glanced at the stairs. He looked back at me."I swear to god you'll be the death of me."


Cuddling in bed, Reid and I began talking about trivial things. As he was talking I couldn't help but stare into his dazzling green eyes. I still couldn't believe at times that the moon goddess had paired me up with such a handsome caring man.

"Hello. Earth to Cara? Are you listening?" He nuzzled me affectionately. "You asked me what I prefer, California or Florida."

"I remember." To be honest I tuned out.

"What was my answer then?" Reid raised his eyebrows and taunted me.

"Ummm-" I immediately sprang on Reid and we began wrestling. "There's your answer!" I grunted. Reid was trying to flip me over so he could get on top of me so I was using every power of mine to stay over him. If he got on top of me game over.

I grunted a few extra times from strain and Reid began to laugh. "Cara are we wrestling or are you pushing out a child?" I immediately burst into laughter myself and Reid tossed me over easily.

We began kissing. I tried to get back on top but Reid was not having it. "I win." He tickled me.

I screamed and squirmed underneath him. Tears started coming down my eyes from laughing so much. "Reid!" I exclaimed mid laugh.

Finally he stopped tickling me and wiped away at my tears. "As I was saying before, I think I like California better at this age. I would become a little bored living here after a couple years I think."

"I agree but I admit it is more suitable for raising a family. Can a pack ever relocate to another land?"

"Yes but there are some guidelines. That process takes about 5 years and the surrounding area needs to be free from any other pack for at least 20 miles going in every direction. It's difficult but not entirely impossible. Why, you want to relocate here?"

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