My apologies, very long chapter

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Jason's pov

I stare at her shocked as we fly out of there, her shooting off rounds from my pistol that I didn't realize she took from me. I just realized she was calling my name. "Jason?! Hello can you hear me?!" "What? Huh? Yeah what do you need?" "Take the wheel." She shouts. I do and she opens the skylight and fires off more rounds at the truck tailing us. I hear her scream! "What happened?" I cry terrified. She sits back down, clutching her arm. Blood pouring out of it. "Holy shit!" I cry, tearing part of my shirt to use as a tourniquet. We get back to my place and I carry her inside. "Hun, stay with me." I whimper worried. She's barely coherant. "Jason, my phone contact alpha, it's backup." She chokes out, her arm probably killing her. I nod and grab her phone and hand her some pain pills. "Thanks." "No need to thank me darlin'." She smiles while wincing in pain. I call for backup. "She's been shot." "Ok we have two agents heading your way." I thank them and get off the phone. The girls go to bed. I hate myself. I hate that she got hurt because of me. "That's enough. Your job is to keep my girls safe not me. I don't know what I'd do if you got killed because of me." She sits up, her arm in a makeshift sling. "I've gotten shot before. I'm okay. You hired me to look after your family and that includes you. You're part of that family. Those girls need their daddy so I won't let anything happen to you either. And if I die doing that, it's a death worth taking." Tears come to my eyes. "Don't say that hun. I don't want you to die because of me. I care about you too much." I hug her tight, being careful of her arm. "Business only remember?" "Oh right sorry." I pull back and she stands up. "Where is backup? It should be here by now." She mumbles to herself but of course I hear. "Hun, maybe you should rest your arm. I'll keep a look out." She looks back at me, a regretful worried frown on her face. She bites her lip and closes her eyes. A long drawn out sigh coming out. She sits back beside me. "Jason, I think I'm gonna have to hand your case to someone else. There's just too much history between us and it makes it hard to do my job to the best of my ability." I stare at her horrified. "No, you can't! I need you!" I cry, grabbing her hand. "No, you need someone who can protect you and your girls without the past getting in the way." Fear grips me like an iron fist. "No, don't think about the past. I'm just another client, remember?" I beg, pleadingly. She shakes her head and sighs. "Jason you and I both know you're more than that." I stare at her surprised. I didn't know that. "Please hun don't leave me. You're the only one I trust being anywhere near my daughters. We need you. They need you! I.... Need you." I mumble, looking away. Just then backup arrives. "Agent Brown, do you need any medical assistance?" He asks. But her stare stays stuck on me, her eyes wide. What's she thinking?

Miranda's pov

What am I gonna do? I'm torn. I want him to have the reassurance of it being someone he trusts but how can he trust me when these old feelings threaten to pull me back in time.


I walked to school with he lunch I packed. Wearing the same dress I wore yesterday. It does well to hide the bruises. Suddenly I feel pain all over. I look up and realize I'd been hit by a truck. The boy who hit me lands on his knees beside me. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!! Where does it hurt?" He cries in full on panic. I want to tell him I'm used to the pain from my drunk abusive father but I can't get the words out and when I look down blood coats the dress I'm wearing. I get lightheaded and black out.


I wake up in the hospital. The boy who hit me stands by my bed terrified. "I'm so sorry I hit you. I wasn't paying attention. I'm so glad you're not dead." He whimpers, close to tears. "It's okay. I'm not mad." I say, wincing in pain. He smiles and hands me a button. "What's this?" I ask. "Morphine. Whenever you looked like you were in pain, I pressed it and it helped." I clicked it and gradually the pain recedes. "What's your name?" I ask. "Jason. And yours beautiful?" I blush. "Miranda. I really am okay. My dad beats me on a regular basis so it wasn't too different." His eyes go wide in shock. "What a jerk. No one should ever hurt such a sweet beautiful girl." He says, holding my hand.

~flashback over~

But then 4 months after we started dating, he was the one who hurt me when he broke my heart by cheating on me with Jessica. Jason's been screaming my name. I stare at him, his eyes are bloodshot and tears stream down his face. "Why are you crying?" I ask, confused. "I've been calling you for two hours. I thought you died!" He gasps. "I'm f-fine." I choke out. The agents stand guard. "You need to get some rest." Jason says, holding my hand, reminding me of the hospital room. I hug him, trying to fight back the tears. He's caught off guard and confused. "I missed you, Jason." I choke out. "I-I m-missed you too." He mumbles. He takes the couch and wouldn't take no for an answer when he told me to sleep in his bed. I shudder, remembering all the times in that bed with him. I lay down and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

*in her dream* this is technically a flashback but in dream form

My dad was yelling saying no boy would ever want me! I yelled back saying Jason wanted me! He slapped me in the face as Jason opened the door ready to take me on a date. His jaw drops in shock, seeing my dad hit me. "He only feels bad for hitting your dumbass with his truck. Moronic bitch can't even cross the road like a normal human being!" He yells, slapping me again. I slide to the ground, my eye swelling shut. He's probably right. Then I hear a surprised gasp. I look up in time to see Jason sucker punch my dad!! "Nobody lays a hand on my woman!" He growls, furious. I stare at him shocked. "Jason." I whimper. He turns around, hitting his knees and pulling me into a hug. "So you don't just feel bad? You really do love me?" I whimper, crying against his shoulder. "Of course I do baby. Don't listen to anything your dad says about us. He's just a no good sack of shit. Now we've got a date tonight." He helps me up. "You wanna be seen in public with me looking like this!" I cry, shocked. He laughs. "What do you mean, hun? All I see is my gorgeous sweet girlfriend." "Oh Jason." I cry, hugging him.

*she wakes up*

I wake up with someone's arms around me. I'm confused at first. Then I realize it's Jason. I pull away breathing hard. "What are you doing?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously. "You were screaming and crying in your sleep so I was trying to wake you up. Sorry if I got too close." He says, standing up, staring at me worriedly. "I had a nightmare." I whisper. "About what hun?" "M-My dad." His eyes go wide then fill with fury. He hated my dad because he always hurt me. He turns to leave, his hands in fists when I stop him, regretting it instantly. "Don't go. Please." I whimper, grabbing his arm. He looks confused. He sits down beside me. I lay my head in his lap and he runs his fingers through my hair. He always did that when I woke up with a nightmare which was often and it was always about my dad. "I'm surprised you remembered." I say turning over to look at him. "He smiles. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." He says. "You were always so good to me." I say. His gaze turns sad and angry at the same time. "No I wasn't. I cheated on you." He grumbles. I sit up. "Other than that. You treated me better than any other boyfriend." I hug him. "Thanks for helping me tonight Jason." He nods. "How's your arm?" "It's fine." He stands back up. "Ok, get some sleep. I'm right downstairs." He says, kissing my forehead. He goes back downstairs. One thought keeps rolling around in my head. I don't think he's just another client!

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