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Remember the day when you say hi and shyly I said Hello?

Remember the day when you offer me to accompany me home? I was hesitant but you insisted.

Remember the day when you sang a song for me? It was also the first time i blushed for a guy.

How about the day when I became your Juliet and you are my Romeo in one of our subjects?

Remember the day our friends teased us? Your ears flushed red while my cheeks blushed.

Remember the day when you asked me to dance with you? It was like a fairytale. And I can't stop myself from imagining that I am your princess and you are my prince.

Remember the day when you suddenly ignored me because you are jealous to one of our classmate? It was also the day you confessed to me and said the three words that brings butterflies in my tummy and a deafening sound of my heartbeat.

"I love you"
Remember that three words you said to me accidentally because of split of your tongue?

Remember the day you treat me so sweet? How about the day you make me laugh when im upset?

Remember the day you proposed to me to be your girl infront of the crowd? The day i said yes with a bright smile on my face? The day you promised me that you'll never hurt and leave me?

Do you still remember those days? The day that we are so happy and contented? The day that everything is so fine and perfect? I bet not. But I hope you do...

You promised me that you'll never leave me? Remember? But where are you now?
How dare you to leave me in this cruel world?! Alone...

Now, i say hi... But why you didn't say hello?
I go home. But now no one will pick me up to accompany me home.
I sang a song for you... But can you hear it when you are under your tombstone?

Romeo and Juliet died together. But why can't I just died like Juliet so that I can be with you?
In a party, Im just sitting there, alone. Watching others to dance with their partners. I can't dance with others for I know that they are not you and I know that you will get jealous if someone will hold my hand.

You are gone... I know. But your memories are still fresh in my mind. Making me happy then suddenly making me cry...
I dont want to continue to live in this world without you. Can you wait me? I'll go there! In a minutes we can be together again.

I open my bag and get my .45 mm caliber and pointed it to my temple. I glance at his tombstone, "Honey, your wait is over. Im coming. I love you..."


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