Let's Begin

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Hello, future husband. How are you doing? So I finally started doing this at 11:11 AM of 11/11/2015. I thought the timing is great. After all, there is this practice for people to make wishes every 11:11 on the clock though I am not sure if that should be morning or evening. And I still don't know why the practice came about but since I am already here facing the computer, let me do it now and pray that it works. I will just research on this practice some other day and on other wishing traditions that could lead me to you. (Yes, I am that bent on finding you and I do hope you don't find that alarming but sweet!)

So my wish is that through this journal, I will find the courage to really find you. Love comes when you least expect it, I've heard. But I feel like I am running out of time. And I feel like we should really meet already. If I'm this anxious, what about you? If we are truly soul mates, then you must be feeling lonely a couple of times too. And it is a very crippling feeling, right? Yes there are many national issues, social issues, and other crises happening all around us. But still, longing for someone, just like heartbreaks, is a crippling feeling. Because being unloved is a social issue itself. 

Sorry if I am being too philosophical now. I just want to justify my quest to meet you soon and all I could do now is revel at how magical it could be when we finally meet. So ASL? Age: I am 33. Status: I am single, no boyfriend since birth -- but I do have my share of heartaches. I am not sure if I should tell everything about what happened to my lovelife all these years. Would you still love me the same if you find out everything? Location: Manila where there are 16 million people or more and I'm not so sure if you are one of them or if you are faraway living a nomad life traveling the world and going everywhere except where I am right now. (Come on, take a break to find me, then take me with you!)

But today, I promise I will not take this situation sitting back. I will explore the world too. I have always been just a work-home, work-home girl because I have my priorities. I seldom go to other places except for work and every now and then, volunteer work. But now, I will put us in my top priority. I will go out of my comfort zone to find you. And by the grace of God, I hope you are doing the same. 

By the way, did I see you yesterday? Was it you who looked at me while my officemate and I were walking on our way back to the office? If it was you indeed, hey, you loook really nice! I like that powder blue polo you were wearing and that five-o'clock shadow that looks good on you though it was only 3:30 PM then when I saw you. I guess I am not going to see "you" today since I am working from home right now. But tomorrow, I will go to office again, and I promise to try to be there again on that spot where "our" eyes met at 3:30 PM. Wow, what if it really was "you"?

Til then. :-)

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