“Calm down Dan” whispered Jessie, it was all she could muster with tears still pouring down her face.

“He’s trying to scare you. When we’re back in London we’ll get you a restraining order and we’ll get him in prison properly this time. I promise, okay chick?” Danny smiled, he had to stay strong for his Jessie.

“Okay” she nodded. Danny had never called her ‘chick’ before, he cared for her so much and she wished she could somehow pay him back. She was forever in his debt for all of the things he did for her, even the little things like turning the light off on a bed or leaving a clean towel out for her in th morning.

“I love you Danny O’Donoghue” she said.

Danny’s face lit up. He smiled from ear to ear. Jessie had never told him she loved him first like this, she usually only said it after he had. There was something about this, that made him truly believe her and he loved her so.

“I love you too Jessica Cornish, soon to be Jessica O’Donoghue” he smiled.

Jessie just stared him blankly. Oh no. Was this too soon? He’d gone and blown it now. As always, silly Danny. Always jumping into things too fast. The one time he’d decided to hold back a bit was with Irma and even that had been the wrong decision. Not that he regretted this now, it had been fate because she’d led him to Jessie. His soulmate. He was sure of it, so why shouldn’t he propose?

“Hurry up and pop the question then” winked Jessie, she was smiling. She actually liked the idea. Although, she wasn’t sure what her mother would think.

“Babe, can we keep quiet about Max to my Mam? We’re going home tomorrow, so not too long,” asked Danny.

Jessica shuddered at the mention of his name. Max. It sent shivers down her spine, sent her on edge, her body shook. He was one of the only things which frightened her to her very core. She hated him for it.

“Yes” was all she could muster to answer. She pulled a weak smile but it wasn’t convincing anybody.

“Oh baby” said Danny, he felt scared for Jessie. He felt every emotion which she felt.

He pulled her into a hug and promised never to let her go. He vowed he would protect her until she needed protecting anymore. He could smell her strawberry shampoo and her soft cheek brushed against his bristly skin from his stubble. She was so gentle and elegant compared to him, she was perfect. They lay there for an hour, maybe two before Rose arrived home. By this time, Jessie had calmed down and she was ready to appear better but still slightly ill.

Danny walked downstairs to greet his mother, she looked mentally and emotionally drained. It was getting dark outside. Danny looked into her eyes and saw the pain she had relived from the death of her husband. He took her hand in his

“I’ll cook” he smiled.

“Are you sure that’s safe?” called Jessie from the top of the stairs. This caused the three of them to burst into fits of laughter, it wasn’t that funny but it had been a tough day for them all and it was a nice feeling to let go. Danny loved Jessie’s light hearted sense of humour, she could make an entire room light up if she so wished in so many different ways. He grinned up at her.

“I better stick to pasta” he laughed.

“You might even manage to somehow burn that” bounced back Jessie.

Danny smirked to himself and made his way to the kitchen. He cooked up tomato pasta and microwaved a garlic bread. It was nothing special, but it was the thought that counted. Rose knew Danny had a tough day and it was lovely to see him making such an effort. The three sat down to eat together, none of them spoke but one another’s company was enough to keep them happy.

Later that night, they settled down to watch television. There were a few films on, Danny flicked until he found ‘Homeward Bound’ one of his favourites as a child. There were some horror films which normally he would have preferred to watch but he wanted to keep Jessie and his mother calm.

Rose retired to bed halfway through the film, complaining of a long day looking after Danny. She laughed and kissed him on the cheek goodnight and returning to her bedroom. Jessie curled up into Danny’s arms and settled her head against his chest. She’s also had a long day, but she could see how much Danny still loved this film –even though he denied it- so she let him watch until the end.

Although Jessie had been planning on staying awake, she didn’t manage it and had already drifted asleep on Danny’s chest just like the previous night. Danny picked her up in his arms and carried her to bed. He’d done this so many times before that it felt like routine. He gently tucked Jessie into bed and kissed her goodnight.

“I love you beautiful” he whispered.

Within minutes Danny was asleep too. He dreamt of Max trying to harm his Jessie but he fought him of. Danny would make Max pay. He was sure of it.

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