Chapter 1

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5 years ago

Emma had run away from her grandmother not a month gone. She was but a young and unskilled captain but her crew were loyal to the end.

Emma stood at the helm of her white and light blue ship, staring ahead as she steered the ship through the calm waters. Her mind wondering about who she really was. The rough waves calmed her as she stared out to see. She was broken from her thoughts as a member of her crew, Will, spoke.

"Sorry Cap'ain, bu' we gotta make por', food is runnin' on the low" he exclaims as Emma mumbles a few chosen curse words.

"Very well" she waves him off before wiping her clammy hands on her brown pants. Shaking her head she leaves the helm before marching to her office, pulling out a worn map from her bookshelf. The nearest port was a days travel, on the sea border of the enchanted forest. Gulping she shoved the map back into the bookshelf before brushing a shaky hand through her golden locks. She hated going to port because she was scared her grandmother would find her. Shaking her head she marches out of her chambers onto deck. A new member of crew saunters up to her with a smug look on his face.

"Captain. Looking good as ever" he flirts taking steps towards her.

"Neal, piss off" she states calmly shoving him aside before stomping up the steps taking a firm grasp of the wheel before taking out her telescope as she sees a ship sailing on the horizon. Smirking she spins the ship heading towards it. When they're about a couple of hundred meters away someone yells in fear.

"Cap'ain! That's the Jolly Roger!" he exclaims fearfully. Emma's eyes widen before she smirks to mask her fear.

"Well he's in for a surprise" she chuckles darkly as her crew run around trying to get the ship ready. The other ship start defending but Emma is too quick and they quickly attach their ship to the Jolly Roger, the most feared vessel in all the seas belonging to none other than Captain Hook, it's said he really has a Hook for a hand but no one has ever gone against him and lived to tell the tale. Soon the crew were swinging onto the deck of the Jolly Roger. As soon as they touch the wood on deck, pirates swarm around them with swords and daggers in their hands. She fights her way through the crowd getting to a higher view of the battle when suddenly there's a cool object pressing against her throat.

"You know most don't make it out alive when they decide to attack me love" a thick Irish accent whispers into her ear. She shivers slightly before scoffing like she wasn't scared, but in reality she was petrified.

"I go by many names..." he growls before spinning her around and pressing her against the mast with his arm pressed against her throat, his body pressed close to hers preventing any movement as his ice blue eyes pierced into her own. She gulps as he smirks.

"You're dillusional" she growls.

"No lass, you're dillusional thinking that you could possibly attack me and think you can get away with it" he snarls adding pressure to her throat as she gasps.

"Wh-who a-a-are you th-th-then?" she chokes out trying to breath.

"Names Killian Jones, but most have referred to calling me by my more colourful moniker... Hook" he smirks as her eyes widen.

"As i-i-in C-Captain H-H-Hook?" she questions struggling to breath.

"Aye, now you will fall back and surrender. I will let you go and you will tell others that you only escaped because I let you so you can warn those other rodents to cross me at their peril. You got that princess" he smirks as she nods. Satisfied he let's go causing her to fall to the hard floor gasping as she greedily takes in large breathes.

"You're a bastard" she spits at him. Grimacing he kneels down grabbing her chin and turning her face to look into his own.

"I could kill you here and now, steal your treasure and hang your beautiful body from the mast of your ship to feed the seagulls before gutting your crew as they scream for mercy when they watch me pull out their intestine laughing remembering that you did this to them" he snarls.

"You don't even know how I am"she scoffs.

"Well then who are you Princess?" he smirks.

"Call me Captain Swan" she replies glaring.

"I'm the only captain here Swan" he snarls before standing up. She slowly stands up and raises both hands. Her crew soon follow as she turns to glare at the handsome pirate.

"Now. I will repeat what I said to your dear Captain! You fall back and surrender. I will let you go and you will tell others that you only escaped because I let you so you can warn those other rodents to cross me at their peril!" he shouts at the crew. He nods in triumph before they leave with their ship. He watches them disappear thinking about the girl with the mesmerizing eyes and golden locks until he was interrupted.

"Cap'ain?" a short man spoke from behind. Rolling his eyes he turned to face the man.

"What is it Smee?" he asks rolling his eyes.

"Why did you let them go?" he asks.

"I have a feeling that I would regret it if I did. Very intriguing woman" he mutters in response before walking to the helm to steer the ship.

Present day

Emma sat in a bar with a mug of ale in her hand as she squeezed the mug and her knuckles whitening. Suddenly a burst of laughter walks through the door. Curious she lifts her gaze to meet eyes with ice blue staring right back at her. Shocked she grabs her cloak gulping the rest of her ale before hopping out the window behind her. She quickly gets into a run before she is pulled back by the collar of her shirt causing the top buttons to pop off revealing her heaving chest but luckily her blood red corset keeping the shirt in place. She is slammed into a wall a bit roughly. Opening her eyes she finds the same eyes from all those years back.

"Who are you?" he questions lowly. She growls grabbing the knife from her belt placing it around his kneck. He then takes his hook and manoeuvres from her grip. Seeing this she kicks behind his knees sending him to the ground before she straddles his stomach placing the cold blade against his neck.

"The names Captain Swan. And you sir..." she leans closer so her face is inches from his own.

"Are Captain Hook" she growls as he looks at her confused.

"How do you know who I am?" he questions. She smirks at him and that's when realisation hits him.


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