Chapter One

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She gave the now empty townhouse one last look before shutting the front door close and passed the key to the realtor with a downcast smile before bidding him farewell.

All the furnitures were given to charity. Sera brought along only her belongings, which was in two huge luggages. One was filled with her clothes, one with hair and beauty products, accessories, shoes and bags. Her parents' belongings along with their family photos were packed and placed in a storage space. She brought just one photo of them taken from when she graduated from college.

Herman did help her with the luggages but he spoke no words. He knew how Sera was dealing with a whole lot of things and there is no words that can ease her troubles now.

Silent tears rolled Sera's cheeks all the way to the airport but she didn't acknowledge those tears. They were not welcomed. She needs to clear her thoughts to make way for a brand new life in Los Angeles.

She slept through the whole flight. A chauffeur was arranged to the hotel she was staying. Yes, she hasn't look for any apartment, she didn't know where to start. She chose Los Angeles because she had always watched Gabriel played Grand Theft Auto and it just got to her when she was deciding where to go.

The hotel was lavish, she knew that. She needed the comfort. She has the money. They were well off and with all the money that has been left behind by her parents, added to her small fortune bank account.

But she knew she had to find a job or the money will slowly dissipate. She loves to shop. Always love shopping with her mother and her friends.

Hmmm, friends. "Will I find new friends here?" She wondered.

She showered and slept for the night, feeling lonelier than ever.


Two days have passed and Sera was still in her hotel room. She needed to go out and get some fresh air. She shortlisted a few apartments along Beverly Hills which was affordable. If all goes well, she could move in within the month.

The floor next to the bed holds a few plates from yesterday's room service. The housekeeper should be pounding the door soon. She quickly showered, dressed and headed out. She really do not wish for any human interaction but she knew she has gotten claustrophobic after two days being holed up inside.

Walking aimlessly in the heat, she stopped at Starbucks to get a drink. While queuing, she slipped out her phone only to discover she has totally forgotten to charge it.

Suddenly, she felt someone rub her side with their hand. She turned to see a short guy wiggling his eyebrows, smiling up to her with a missing front tooth.

She really do not need this. Just as she was about to speak her mind, some guy from their other side came and reprimanded the creep. She was shocked. His voice was deep, held a no nonsense edge to it. "Step away from the lady and no one gets hurt."

She looked up to see the clearest blue orbs she had ever seen. Brown hair short but messy, bushy eyebrows with an overnight shadow, lips so kissable he made her wished he was her first kiss.

She turned away from him and move forward in line. She didn't need a knight in shining armor to save her day. It's too soon to be attracted to another Gabriel anyway. Male in general.

The creep had left way before she could have registered but really, she didn't care. She has pepper spray if he ever was waiting for her outside the store.

Sera grabbed her drink after thanking the barista and headed out. She didn't see any creep or the savior which was a good thing because she didn't feel like thanking him. That would mean she had to speak and she didn't want that. She walked past a few stores down the block and stopped at a bookstore.

A book or two wouldn't hurt, she thought. She went in to browse, found a few that sparked her interest and made her way to the cashier to register her purchases only to find the savior a few feet away. She knew he saw her but he didn't look up to acknowledge her. She walked past him and heard him murmur, "You're welcome."

She turned to look at him and saw that he was already looking at her. She stared him straight and got mesmerised by those dang eyes.

"What do you want from me?" She thought out loud.

"Nothing. But seeing as how you were almost raped by that guy, I figured you would be hugging and thanking me profusely."

The nerve.

"I was well capable of handling him, he did after all just touched my side. I didn't need your help. But thank you anyways." She retorted.

"My name is Ger-"

"Goodbye." She walked away.

She knew he followed her to the cashier and she could feel him right behind her.

"My name is Gerald. My number is 213-"

"What is wrong with you? I don't care. Now move." She grabbed her purchases and headed for the door.

The pompous ass grabbed her hand and turned her to face him. Being this close with him, she had to look way up to meet his eyes. She scowled and push herself off him.

"Don't touch me."

"Go out with me." She was way beyond bewildered by the situation.

"No! You're way out of line, dude. Just leave me alone."

"You're cute. Go out with me. Now. Let's go watch a movie. Maybe go eat. I don't know, anything you want." He winked. He actually winked. Who does that anymore?

"You're crazy, and definitely need help. Go check yourself into rehab or something."

"I'm crazy for you." He started and held his hands out to grab me again.

She walked away, fast now. He is a psycho and she knew she made a bad decision to have spoken to him more than one word.

She looked back a few times to see he did not follow her. She let out her breath she didn't know she was holding.

She was alone, for now.

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