"Alright then."

He better not be setting me up either, I really can't handle seeing Alicia yet.

Alicia P.O.V

It's been about two weeks now since I left Jay's and I can honestly say I feel like I'm dying without him. It's true that he hurt me to the core but I do still love him and it's harder than I thought it would be with trying to let him go. He calls me sometimes but I get so nervous that I don't even answer. I don't know what I would do if I heard his voice. I know I'd probably know how he felt if I answered but all I can picture in my head is him going out every night with a new girl now that he isn't tied down. I know that Greg visits him a lot but I never ask about them because I just don't want to know.

My dad's been trying to get in touch with me lately and I been ignoring him too. He knows me better than anyone in this world and all I would have to do is say one word and he would know that something is wrong. My dad has never been the violent type but I don't know what he would do if he found out that Jay got someone else pregnant.

That's the thing I been trying not to think about the most. Some other girl having a part of him that he said he couldn't wait for me to have, it's not fair. It brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. I hope that she gets an abortion but at the end of the day it's not my say. I don't know what's going on with that situation, and even though part of me wants to know the other part doesn't.

Cali said she wants to go to the mall soon because she's tired of seeing me so down. She thinks I need therapeutic shopping and I couldn't agree more. She said she'll drive me so that's good, I don't really feel like doing anything right now. I guess I should look presentable so I'll wear actual pants today. I decided to curl my hair and put it half up and half down and I just threw on my sparkly Uggs and called it a day. She texted me that she was in the drive way so I made my way down.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next.


I was frozen. He was staring at me and I was staring at him, while Greg and Cali were smirking, waiting for us to say something. I had always thought about what I would say if I saw him but right now I had no words. I tried to talk but no sound came out just seeing him broke my heart. He looked exhausted like he hasn't slept at all. His eyes were puffy like he'd been crying. He wasn't even dressed and he didn't shave his face. He let his hair grow out it looked crazy. I just never imagined that I would see him like this.

He started to get up and he never took his eyes off me. He slowly walked towards me and I lost my breath. I just felt like I wanted to cry and hug him at the same time.

"Alicia?" Oh god his voice. He sounds so broken. "Can you say something please? I just wanna hear you say something."

I tried to think about what I should say but before I could control myself I said something I instantly regret, and didn't mean.

"I hate you..." I don't know where that came from and I couldn't control it before I could say anything else I was caught by the look in his eyes, like his world just shattered. What broke me is that tear that fell before he left..without saying goodbye to anyone. I don't know what I just did and now I don't know if it'll ever be better between us. He knows I don't hate him he knows that.

I don't know what I'm gonna do now.

Cali P.O.V

Shit our plan back fired like hell on us. This was not how it was supposed to go. Out of all things to say she said that. She know that she don't hate him, not one bit even after everything. She was supposed to tell him that she missed him and he was supposed to say that he loves her and they were gonna hug it out and everything would start going back to normal. But no it didn't even happen that way. Now we have to do damage control. The way Jay just ran off is so sad man.

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