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Caspian's House. Backyard. 5:30 pm

Tony was hanging out with Caspian, smoking a cigarette. Tony barely started her first one, while Caspian was on her third.

Now I bet you're wondering, 'Two seventeen year olds smoking in one of their parents backyard? That doesn't seem right.......'

Well, Caspian's parents are currently out with Caspian's 1 year old brother, Erick, on a week-long camping trip. Obviously Caspian's parents wanted her to come, but she convinced them simply walking away at the offer and stoically responding no.

"Hey Caspian?" Tony called out, looking up from the ground. Caspian responded with a 'hm', as she blew out more smoke. "Why do you give a damn about me? Yea we met when we were little and had all those adventures....but why stick with me?"

Caspian's eyes widened at the question, still not used to Tony's moments of seriousness just yet. Tony looked at Caspian with a straight face, waiting.

"Well you're the first person who just liked me, for me. Parents only admire my intelligence and way of thinking, I don't know how my brother will be. The other children feared me, and adults took me as a joke. You were the first person to actually treat me like a person, no......a friend. You're also a mystery in itself, no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot read you." Caspian finished, looking up at Tony, only to find her already looking at her. Tony had a soft smile on her face, which grew contagious, since Caspian soon had a soft smile graced on her own features.

Believe it or not, moments like these were actually extremely rare between the two. Tony was usually the girl who'd often smile and laugh, while Caspian was the stoic and more secretive one.

Well........ Let's say Tony doesn't really give off as much as it seems she does.

Tony stood up and wrapped her arms around Caspian, hugging her tightly. An expression of shock and uncomfort came to Caspian's features. "Thanks Caspian, you're the only person I can really call family. I'd even risk my life for yours......" Tony whispered.

Caspian slowly lifted her arms, and wrapped them around Tony, hugging her tightly. Caspian, though she'd never admit it, never wanted to let go of Tony, the only person who has ever made her smile.

"I love you Tony." Caspian mumbled so quietly, Tony couldn't even hear it.

That was when they were 17 years old..........8 years before it happened
The Apocalypse
Everyone started yelling, screaming, begging God to simply put them out of their misery.

They got to Caspian's house first, Caspian visiting her family from college. They got her parents first, while Caspian was only able to save her little brother, Erick. Grabbing her two pistols, and switchblade, Caspian drove and made it out the city, hoping to find a safe-zone to wait for this thing to blow over. They got to Tony's house next. She had lost her father in it, him refusing to leave the couch. "Survive Tony, I know you will. My time is up and my only wish is to be with Lily again......" Issac, Tony's father, told her when she had tried to get him to leave. Tony didn't let herself cry, wanting to be strong for her father's sake. Tony took the time to take her fathers weapons from his hunting days. He had two daggers, passed down to him from his father, two hatchets, and a bow and arrow. The reason Isaac had these weapons were because he was a silent hunter, and that usually got him the most bounty when he was young.

Now Tony was on the road, hot wiring one car after the other. She lost count now. 2 months she's been solo, surviving on barely anything. Let's see where she is now.


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