❁13❁ "Satellite"

Start from the beginning

Lrh11 was confused in the following weeks. The boy stopped wishing. Instead, he would be seen through the library window crying. At first, Lrh11 didn't understand why. Of course, he realized, his parents saw their child as a crazy boy who spent too long in the library and had a strange imagination.

So his parents burned his favorite book, thinking it would stop him from imagining the things inside. The boy only grew sadder and stopped taking care of the animals. He would sit in his chair by the window and watch his animals, seeing the way they started to get sick. Some of them even died, but the boy still refused to go out to them.

The parents thought he was just a little sad about his book. But when the sadness didn't go away and the boy was eleven, they decided to do something. Lrh11 wasn't sure what, but he watched as they took the boy in their car and drove away.

They were gone for hours and didn't return until it was nearly dark. Lrh11 noticed a small white paper bag in his hands, which could only contain one thing: pills.

Why would he have pills? Lrh11 wondered this, hoping his boy was alright.

Later that evening when he went up to the window, Lrh11 noticed he was smaller than he remembered. He was much too skinny and there was no way he was eating properly, Lrh11 realized.

He watched his boy's small frame cast shadows behind him as he pressed a dainty hand to the window. He started saying something, and Lrh11 desperately wanted to hear him, but he of course could not.

"I wish I wasn't crazy!" he exclaimed, "I wish I had someone here with me, maybe then my parents would believe me when I say I don't need these pills," he continued on, but his voice was faded to Lrh11, since his wish was already spoken.

He wishes he wasn't crazy? He isn't crazy, his parents were, and they were just too arrogant to believe it. How could he prove to his parents he wasn't crazy?

The next wish he made caused Lrh11 to be shocked. "I wish I could die," the small boy cried out. Lrh11 was glad he was unable to do that. This was the one thing he simply couldn't do: kill.

Lrh11 only had one idea left, but oh of course it was risky. Lrh11 vaporized himself, making him appear in front of his boy in a form he would understand, as a human.

Lrh11 coughed, not used to having to breathe, making him turn around. He felt his newly formed heart thump harder in his chest as the pretty boy looked at him. Lrh11 could see clearly now his dull green eyes and porcelain skin.

"Are you alright?" the boy whispered. "Luke?" he asked, making Lrh11's eyes shoot open in a realization.

His name was Luke.

"Luke? Oh great, I knew this was a bad idea. I'm sorry; should I take you back?" His green eyes trailed curiously up to Luke's face as he gently held the side of his face. He peered worriedly into Luke's eyes, coming dangerously close to his face.

Their noses brushed, nearly making Luke gasp. The small boy stood on his tip-toes, gazing up at the paralyzed older male. Luke had closed his eyes.

The small boy grunted, abruptly standing back on his heels and swiftly pushing himself upwards before jumping onto Luke, who gave no reaction.

"That's it," he grumbled, "I'm taking you back." The boy leaned closer to Luke, before yanking him downward, making them fall to the floor.

Luke gasped opening his eyes in shock. He realized he was in a completely different house and it was... bright? Before, everything seemed dull and mildew-y, but this place was different, despite the dark blue walls.

"Babe? You okay?" The boy beside him was no longer small, although he did look quite young, even with the slight stubble on his face.

"Hurry up; you still own me cuddles, dammit!" they heard yelled from the other room. The boy beside Luke, whose name he still couldn't remember, grumbled something under his breath before scrambling up.

"C'mon Luke," he said, pulling Luke up with him. His hair was red now, he noticed. Luke followed him into the next room, where one older boy with matted curly hair was sleeping next to an upset looking boy with dark hair. His arms were crossed in a grumpy manner, but his brown eyes slightly brightened at the sight of the two boys.

"Lukey!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around Luke, immediately cuddling into him and pulling him to the bed. This made the other boy scoff sarcastically, "love you too."

He ignored him. "So Mimi, how'd the dream go?" This made 'Mimi' roll his eyes. "It went fine. Luke'll remember everything in the morning." The dark-haired boy nodded.

"Wait what? I don't even know your guys' names, who are you?"

"I'm Michael," the red-haired boy pointed to himself before continuing, "Like I said, you'll remember in the morning. Oh and that's Calum. Ashton is the one passed out. Wimp."

Calum huffed, curling impossibly closer to Luke. "He always forgets an important detail. We're your boyfriends. Now shut up and got to sleep."

Luke was about to reply, but he received two dirty looks, making him shut his mouth. Michael plopped down next to them, cuddling as close as he could to Calum.

In the morning, Luke would come to understand that Michael had powers. These powers allowed him to fully immerse people into dreams, like the one Luke was having, but when they woke up it took them a few hours to remember who they were.

Luke did not realize Michael's supernatural ability at the time, but soon he would. Luke's life as an international superstar in a band was hectic, so it was great for him to get an escape every so often. His daily life proved stressful.

And in the morning it would continue.

A/N: haha sorry for not updating... I know exactly what's going to happen but idk how to write it??? Plus I have zero motivation to write \\:

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