❁10❁ "Purple City"

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I haven't been writing much oops (Luke in the short story at the side/top)

Luke felt so alone. He hated the fact that he couldn't make friends.

Believe you me, Luke had tried. He'd try making friendships with fans, but most of them we crazy on Twitter; if he was being honest.

On Wattpad, Luke would try following random fans and private messaging them. Some would reply to a few messages, but most didn't respond at all. The worst to Luke though, were the ones that he'd actually think he was getting to become friends with and then suddenly they'd stop replying to his messages.

He hated it, but at the same time, he understood; who'd want to talk to someone like him, much less be friends with him?

Later that day, Luke decided to write.

(Minor smut warning at the end... underage Luke, girly!michael and girly!luke)


in the city of tanzanite, children live in isolation. they are raised in small rooms, each separated from the rest. at the age of 16, the girls are matched with their "true mate", but aren't told who they are just yet. they are then taught how to act and how to take part in the necessary actions of life.

once they are 18 years old, their training is finished and they live with their mate, which were picked at random, as long as they are over 16, until they are 20. after living with them for two years, they must choose whether they will live with their mate for the rest of their lives in peace, or if they want to be set free into the harsh outer city.

it is rumored that no one ever survives once they are released into the outside, so most never choose this. most people don't even have names, this is most common in girls, and if so, their mate will give them one, but only if they choose to stay, of course. otherwise, they must remain nameless as the rest.

fourteen was one of the many nameless ones. he was number 1,444, but everyone, or at least his warden, called him fourteen for short. he had blond hair with a fringe, bright green eyes and had a "beautiful powder-white complexion" as his warden liked to say.

that day was the day he turned 18, so he'll finally got to meet his match. although the assembly wasn't until 6:00 in the afternoon, he was wide awake in my bed at 6:30 in the morning, attempting to hold in his excitement. once the clock hit 7:00, i was allowed to wake up and get out of bed.

even though he was a boy, he was raised more similarly to the girls. a hundred years ago, this would've been viewed disgusting, but hey! times were changing.

he remembers being so excited to meet his mate. after taking a shower, he had gotten dressed in a typical 'girl's' outfit. he is not sure why he calls it that, because all clothing is now considered gender-neutral.

anyways, he wore a pretty pastel blue skirt, a white lacey top and white ballet flats. he read a book for hours, waiting for the clock to hit 5:50.

when it was finally time, he had pinged my warden, telling him he was ready. he pinged back saying he was on his way.

at that time, it was illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to see or meet anyone of the opposite gender. in fact, you weren't allowed to see anyone except your warden. the purpose of this was so when you finally meet your mate, they will become beautiful to you no matter what.

fourteen thought it was crazy too. anyways, as soon as his warden came to get his, he led me to another room. after a few flights of stairs, he walked me down a hallway and opened the door. inside there was a powder room with a simple mirror, counter, sink and toilet.

writer (c.a.l.m 5sos ot4) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now