I am gonna do morreeeeee! Long chapter today! Gonna explode with ideas!

I jump off the swings and rush inside with tear stains on my eyes "oh my gawd blake I am sorry I left you with them monkeys, are you okay?" i giggle "oh don't worry,your brother kinda threatened me but other than that never could be better" he winks i playfully punch his shoulder while walking through the back door. "Were gonna go out somewhere" i say to them while grabbing blake's hand he squeezes and gives my a kiss on the cheek "ok please be back by 10 though" Taylor says "yep" i say rolling my eyes. I am not listening to taylor after what he did? He could've told me?

Later that night 11pm
"I had such a good night Blake especially where we ran away from the ice cream guy cause we pranked him" i say biting my lip "yeah so did and i liked the bit where we went to the carnival and i won you a giraffe and the lady yelled at us cause we gave her paper instead of money and where we drew a face on the corn dog truck with permeant marker" he says laughing thats when we both leaned in and he crashed his lips on to mine and i felt fireworks flying with all emotions everywhere he cupped his hands onto my face and passionately kissed me i kissed back then someone swung the door open we both pulled away and smiled "am i interrupting?" Jack g said "no blake was just leaving weren't you blake?" I say laughing and smiling "uh yeah well night babe" blake said while kissing my cheek he walks off the front porch and gets in his car.

"Ooooo so you and blake huh?" Jack g says "yeah" i say daydreaming "well night everyone" i said "night" everyone says except taylor he gives me a sad glare and i roll my eyes and walks upstairs yawning, i jump in the shower wash my body and the makeup off,shave my legs and under my arms a little and hop out i put a towel around my body and a towel on my hair, i walk to my room and pick out some clothes for bed then send a night text to blake.

To Blakey: night baby! 😘
From Blakey: hey night had a great night tonight,have to do it again! 😌😘

To Blakey: yes sure will nightttt will talk in the morning
From Blakey: i want you here

To Blakey: can't you come over?
From Blakey: Ok! Will drive over now!!

To Blakey: aw really i am so lucky to have you!! Love you blakey bear❤️❤️
From Blakey: hey i am at your front door,come get meee

To Blakey: aww boyy love you will be there in 2
From Blakey: i know💁

I walk downstairs and open the front door "heyyy baby!" Blake says and hugs me he has a bag called 'Late night bag' i open it and see cupcakes with movies and a flyer that says 'Late night hugs take one😊' so i cut a hug off and give it to blake and he nods and gets in bed he wraps his arms around me and kisses my head with some soft snores coming from him I kiss his cheek and he whispers "you missed me" pointing to his lips while puckering "nah" i say "you tease!" He jumps from a knock at my door and i roll my eyes and slam the door back in taylors face and then i hear another knock "go away taylor!" I yell "its not taylor it hayes" shoot!! Awkward?! I get up and look at blake he nods and turns on his computer with his earphones "oh hi whats up?" I say "umm i know you like Blake but i love you scarlett and i always will ok?" He says hugging me "um ok? what for though?" I say confused "cause if i date someone i want you to know i am not replacing you" he says "ok bye" i say hugging hayes he looks at me and nods "night"

I go back in and see Blake asleep i kiss his cheek and cover his tan body oh did i mention he sleeps with no shirt on?! 😍😍😍.

Then i hear another knock i open it and they grab my arms and tear up "Scarlett your my baby sister! I love you but I am so so sorry i didnt tell you!! I shouldve and i dont forgive myself for it please accept?" Taylor says I tear up and hug him he hugs back i kiss him goodnight and he does the same i close my door and get in bed with Blake he wraps his arms around me and kisses the back of my head. THANK THE LORD FOR A DOUBLE BED! I turn over to face blake and slowly doze off.

Arhhh omg! #Scarlake or better? 😂😂 help comment a ship name for Blake and Scarlett!

OMG! I did a long chapter!!! Its never been this long! Omg i am proud of myself! 😌😎
Love you presents with red bows🎁💐

I have a schedule now for my books.

Monday-Remember me?
Tuesday-Write parts
Wednesday-Forever bestfriends (this book)
Thursday- Remember me?
Friday-Forever bestfriends
Saturday-Write parts
Sunday- Whatever I want to post 😂

So there you go a schedule now! Will have an alarm on my ipad (what i write on)

#paris 💐

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