Not again-12

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Hey listen to Feel the light from Home if not then listen to sad song by the kings

I haven't heard from Scarlett for 3 hours and everyone is so upset the police are here and Alex hasn't come out of her and Nash's room for a while now :(

Then a text pops up
From Baby😍: Hey Hayes love you miss you goodbye xxx

I storm up to Alex's room "SCARLETT TEXTED ME! She said 'Hey Hayes love you miss you goodbye xx' what does that mean? Alex?!" I say banging to open her door she replies "I don't know text her back to ask what it means? Your the only person she will talk to Hayes for Me,For Scarlett!" I text back

To Baby😍: No no! What does that mean?! Scarlett please listen I wanna see you everyone wants to see you please come home or at least meet me at the park? X
I instantly got a reply
From Baby😍: Ok for you. Meet me at the pier in 5.
To Baby😍: ok x
From Baby😍: 😘😘

"guys I am meeting Scarlett at the pier in 5 gotta go get changed" I say while walking up the stairs and I hear the police call my name "Hayes!" I turn and peek down the stairs with a confused look "Yeah?" I say "can we hook up a recorder to you so if she tries to tell you to go home cause she wants to- I dont want to say it but suscide" they say I nod "But scarlett would never do that" I say "Well most of her life is a lie so she could but we can't judge what a person can do to themselves" the police said

The police hook me up and I walk to the pier and see her. We run to each other and we hug each other she wraps her legs around my torso and she wraps her arms around neck and puts her head on my shoulder I just kiss her to make sure its her. "Why Scarlett?" I ask "Cause I needed to get away,The person I called my sister for 22 I dont know how many years isn't my sister" She cries I just nod
Sorry for a short and sad chapter but next chapter is sadder so please dont think I encourage it. If you have seen my other book I released a announcement on there for a cover please enter!

Family is everything  :: h. grier || BOOK 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat