He stared for a minute and gave me a weird look, a look I knew all too well on him. Daniel wasn't going to apologize, he was going to be the typical stupid little bitch he is and think what he did was right.

"I've got nothing to apologize for-"

"Leave," I growl quietly. "Get out of this room before I do something that will surely make you regret coming here in the first place." The frustrating man in front of me stared in shock while I shot him a nasty glare that would surely send shivers down his spine.

"Leave!" I said loudly enough to echo around the household.

He walked out of the room silently after debating whether it'd be a good idea or not. Once I narrowed my eyes on him, he finally got the drift that I dismissed the conversation the moment he disregarded me.

There were hushed whispers outside my door and I assumed they were discussing the yelling that's been going on. I heard my name in the conversation more than once and I realized that Abel and Daniel were the ones gossiping.


Another hour later and I was on the verge of falling into a much needed sleep. I yearned to push away my thoughts from this long day and how it suddenly turned against me. Truth is, maybe they could've had a chance to stay. It didn't seem like such a hard decision to others, but they didn't have the reasons I did. Only the silence stood by me as I started my usual overthinking and guilt started to creep in. I thought I'd refuse to go against my own rules of it only being the five of us. Yet here I am, laying in bed with thoughts roaming over my head at 3 in the morning, considering to let those who broke one of my most prized possessions enter the depths of these memory filled hallways. I've only known Louis a month at least. How much fun I'd had was an understatement. No one can simply not be happy in the presence of Louis Tomlinson. It just wasn't possible.

I didn't want our newfound friendship to end on such bad terms, for once I actually had a liking towards him and his beautifully sculpted ass that was surely created by the gods. Bless them.

So I ran, I jumped off my messy sheets and ran out the room. The stairs came into view and I took a breath to calm my erratically beating heart. I sigh internally, disappointed in myself about how I could carelessly let my body go into such an unhealthy state. But my obsession with Doritos weren't going to end, I just put up with it cause the thought of rabbit foods make my organs churn.

The bottom of the staircase was slowly approaching and Louis appeared in my sight. His tiny tattoo filled fingers were gripping a lighted cigarette. I was brought back to the days of Louis' obnoxious voice echoing across the hallways of the hospital and me accusing him of smoking. A mischievous smirk planted onto my mouth as I recalled the words I said to him.

'Smoking is not permitted in this hospital, Louis. Do you want to kill someone?'

I reached the living room and watched Louis in silence as he continued to puff smoke out of his mouth. Everyone suddenly turned quiet as their heads turned to me in intimidation and they visibly cowered away. Louis slowly turned his head as well and we locked eyes, at that moment I said almost the exact words I did the second we'd met.

"Smoking is not permitted in your household, Louis. Do you want to kill someone?"

His eyes went dim for a moment before he processed all the words I spoke to him.

"My household?" He desperately looked to me for confirmation and I nodded silently. A smile creeped on my face as he shot me a grateful and excited look which cause an even bigger smile than before.

Harry held his bottom lip between his fingers and glanced towards me as if to see if it was really real. I raised my brows as if to say, "you should know". He mouthed to me a small thank you and I found myself trying to find a flaw in his seemingly perfect curly locks a second too long before looking back at Louis. One by one all the others - Zayn, Liam and Niall - each looked at me once again for confirmation and I shot them a playful annoyed look.

Don't they see that I'm trying to be nice here? Their stupid fucking faces were irritating the fuck out of me but I stayed calm for the sake of their happiness.

"Can you stop? Like I understand that it's pretty excited to be living with me but fuck, you all look like Teletubbies and I don't need nightmares tonight. Thanks." My sarcasm was well intended in that speech and Zayn rolled his eyes. I pointed at him dramatically and boomed.

"You'll be kicked out first bitch if you keep rolling your eyes. And they're beautiful, just so you know."

Laughter was spreading around the room like Christmas and Louis suddenly bumped into me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Everyone was smiling but I stayed wary of my decision.

Let's just hope it all goes as I hope it does.


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