Chapter 2- Poles and Chains

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Isabel and Farlan didn't wake up until about 10 when I started vacuuming for the 3rd time this week. Isabel kept yelling at me to turn it off until she got tired of it and chose to shower; resulting in Farlan having to get ready for work without a shower since Isabel stole the only shower. After Isabel finished, she left as well, leaving me alone to finish everything. Taking about 9 hours out of my day, I cleaned and cleaned, taking barely any time to eat and a small shower break.
Farlan got back from work just as I stepped out of the bathroom from my shower and he instantly decided to pull an Isabel.
"Levi, how would you like to have a fun Friday night?" Farlan smirked at me, throwing his bag and coat onto the floor.
Great, Farlan rarely ever asked stuff like this. The only times he did was when Isabel convinced him and 90% of the time I ended up going along with it if Farlan wanted to.
"What do you mean?" I asked while rubbing a towel over my wet hair.
He rolled his eyes, "can't I just surprise you?" Farlan walked up closer to me and put his arms around my neck, "please."
Looking up at Farlan's face, I could see his face was red and his words were slightly slurred. Of course he would be drunk. This had to mean one thing; Isabel and her constant attempts to get me out of the god damn house.
I shouldered his arms off of me and made my way to the kitchen to grab another cup of tea while Farlan followed close behind.
"Le~vi!" Farlan sighed and dropped onto me from behind, wrapping me in a hug.
"Farlan, you're drunk, go lay down," I scolded him, yet not shaking him off.
I had never really enjoyed being touched, however Farlan and Isabel were exceptions.
"When was the last time you went out to have fun that wasn't for work?" Farlan whispered in my ear seductively.
I actually had to think for a few seconds. It had been awhile but I just didn't enjoy going out in public, especially considering my fear of filth.
"Exactly," Farlan's soft voice projected directly into my ear; slight goosebumps rising at the surface of my skin from the contact.
I gave a defeated sigh, "fine, but if we get there and I want to leave, we are leaving."
Farlan stood up straight and smiled, "awesome! Now go get dressed in something black and sexy."
Well, this would be interesting.

Farlan originally wanted to drive but I didn't trust a drunk driver. Letting him give directions and getting lost for about 10 minutes only increased my thoughts of: why am I not home?
Once we finally got parked, I looked up at the building. A bright neon sign lit up the dark black sky reading: Little Teasers Erotic Male Club.
"Seriously?" I shot a glare at Farlan in the passenger seat; he was aggressively trying to not smile, "Farlan."
"What?! I just thought it would be fun to try something new and get a know..." Farlan turned his eyes away from me and his hands started to shift. He was sobering up slightly but not for long if we went in.
"How will we get home? I'm not drunk driving," my voice was becoming louder within the confined space of the car.
Farlan looked up at me with sad eyes, "I just wanted us to have some fun for one night. Is that a crime," Farlan ran a hand through his messy dirty blonde hair and sighed deeply.
I leaned back in my seat to think for a moment. Normally, I would immediately drive back home but Farlan was kind of right. Since I got my modeling job, I've been a bit of a stick in the mud; even I have noticed!
Turning off the car and grabbing my keys, I opened my door, alerting Farlan, "let's go pretty boy," I said, snapping Farlan a small wink.
Might as well loosen up a bit I guess; what could go wrong?

Nothing. Nothing at all was going wrong.
As soon as I stepped into that club, my eyes had to take a minute to adjust to all the lights and colors. Boys in leather and chains carried whips and danced up on stage while several entranced women and men watched with twinkling eyes.
Farlan grabbed my hand and led me over to a small table where a waiter immediately asked us for orders.
We ordered ourselves some of the cheapest alcohol served and leaned back to watch.
Apparently, we arrived at the perfect time because a new boy stepped out on stage to replace another. I almost started choking on my drink but I contained myself.
A young boy with shaggy brunette hair and incredible natural tan skin was walking down the stage. His bare chest was revealed and his lower region was covered only by a pair of tiny, black, leather shorts. His wrists had a pair of handcuffs on that looked like they had been busted apart and a collar wrapped around his small, thin throat.
He looked sexy as hell.
As I turned to my left to ask Farlan about the mystery boy, I noticed him stepping over to one of the back rooms with one of the male strippers. Instantly, I shot up and bolted over to the bar counter.
"What is his name?" I pointed at the brunette.
The man peeked over my shoulder to look at the boy, "that's Aqua. He's really popular around here actually." The man behind the desk answered dryly.
I wanted to laugh at his name, but he did give off a more submissive, feminine vibe.
I thanked the man and headed back to my seat, hoping he would come to the floor so I could talk with him. I took a seat again to watch the boy on stage. He had to do his routine a few times before he could cater to the floor, but I sure as hell wouldn't be bored waiting.
Aqua was standing lazily, yet sexily onstage. His toned stomach flexing as he swayed to the beat of the music. His hands gripped the metal pole he was dancing around as he began to grind himself against it; moving in a way that instantly started making my lower area tense.
He continued his slow, erotic movement as the crowd stared at him, but for some reason, jealously over took me as I formed a fist and grabbed my drink to chug it down.

Another 20 or so minutes went by of me watching the brunette dance, until he finally stepped backstage and came out from a different entrance on the floor instead of the stage; luckily, right near me.
He obviously caught me staring and stepped over to my table with short, swaying strides.
(idk if this is how you order a lap dance but this is all I've got...Sorry if the ordering process is wrong 0-0)
"Hey there handsome," the boy leaned on my table, his voice soft and gentle with an edge of sexiness to it, "how's your night going," Aqua slid into the seat next to me.
"I'm fine now," I smirked at him and scooted my way beside him.
Eyeing the waiter, I gave a head nod, hoping he would get the gist to bring him a drink.
"What's someone like you doing here all alone," Aqua rested his hand on my thigh and leaned closer to me.
I felt pressure building in my abdomen and his hand stroked up and down my thigh.
"Actually, I'm not alone, my friend is in one of the private rooms at the moment."
Aqua sighed slightly and rested his head against my shoulder.
Turning my head to look at him, I was finally able to see his face clearly.
He had cute, small features that weren't to exaggerated but we're still noticeable. His thin lips were a beautiful shade of shiny pink (probably from lip gloss) and his eyes were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. They would be so easy to get lost in; admiring the way they sparkled and danced with reflecting light.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when the waiter came by and sat down two drinks and walked back to the bar.
"For you," I leaned down and picked up both cups, handing one to the boy.
He giggled slightly and sat it back down, "thanks."
I smirked again, taking another large drink of my liquor.
To my surprise I heard the boy mumble something, "what was that?" I asked quietly, part of me wanting him to hear, another not.
He looked up at me with his big, beautiful eyes, "nothing particular, I was just thinking you seemed a bit different, in a good way of course."
I swallowed. He was really amazing wasn't he, "I hope you know I don't do this often," I have no idea why my mouth decided to form those words but they did. I was beginning to get a bit nervous. This boy was making me feel weird. Not is a good or bad way but something felt weird in my stomach.
Aqua sat up beside me, "really? I didn't think I had seen you around," he crossed his legs neatly.
I shrugged and the boy leaned over to my ear again, "can I real talk with you for a second?"
That surprised me. I had never seen a stripper stop work to just talk. Couldn't he get it trouble?
I nodded as he sat back again, "I honestly hate being in this club. All that seems to happen is man and even women all come in hungry for sexual enjoyment. I mean, I hate this jobs, you know?" He giggled once more, looking me in the eye again.
I smiled slightly, "but isn't that why I should be here?"
The brunette smiled as well, "you should be here for that but I get the feeling you aren't. Someone like you just doesn't seem like they came here for a "fun" Friday night. I get the sneaking suspicion that your weekends consist of you at home snuggled in some blanket reading a book or something boring like that. Am I correct?"
What was with this guy? How could he just guess all of this while I couldn't figure any part of him out expect for the fact that he looked good as hell in shorts.
I had always thought no one could read me and no one ever has been able to, not even Farlan or Isabel but why was he different?
We sat in silence for a few seconds until he began to stand up, "well, I do have a job so, why don't we take this to the back?" He said, sitting himself down on one of my legs.
At this point, my calm outer shell broke, "fuck, okay let's go." Aqua stood himself up and grabbed my hand, gently and pulled me back to one of the private room doors.
Was this really happening? Was I seriously about to get a lap dance from some strange boy in a dirty back room? Alcohol and Farlan, a mixture from hell.
I probably shouldn't be posting chapters this quickly considering I'm not that far in the fanfic but I'm just excited! Anyway, enjoy! <3 kisses!

Attachment (An Eren x Levi AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ