Chapter Two: To Please.

Start from the beginning

At first, the meadow we stood in, was blank. Nothing, but us filling half of the property.

Then, in the blink of an eye, there was a girl that stood on the opposite end, her back facing us.

Her hair flapped and swished with each direction the wind blew around us, her small form hugged by the sexiest pair of leggings and a leather jacket.

Everyone growled at her, each held warning and malice, but they all silenced when my wolf growled louder, overruling theirs for growling at such way at her. I didn't even pay any attention to how all their heads snapped in my direction, for my eyes stayed trained on the girl about 50 yards away from me.

Matthew, be careful. She's dangerous and you're only making yourself a target, Father linked.

I tried to stop myself, but my wolf wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't allow anyone to growl at her or touch her. Not even take one more step closer to her.

For what reason? I don't know.

But, when he began to growl, the girl let out a soft breath, her face turning slightly as if she was hesitant to turn around.

I still couldn't get a good look at her, my wolf growling for her to turn around and face us, and it agitated us both that her soft looking hair flailed wildly around her form, never once allowing me a single glance.

"You," her melodic soft voice carried its way from her distance to dance and tickle my ears, making my wolf twitch in delight.

"You, who just growled," she paused, her stance rigid as I heard her take in a deep breath.

"Shift," she ordered, still keeping her back to me.

My father went in to order me, but she had raised a hand," Do not do that, Alpha. For you do not know who you are dealing with."

"Wh-," my father barely said before she demanded, her voice laced with anger, but not in the least bit threatening. It sounded more of a coo than a demand.

"Who said you are to speak?"

Surprisingly, my father shut up, but I didn't give it any decoding thought as I shifted, just as she requested.

My wolf wanted to please her in every way.

Her head turned even more, to gift me with a smirk,"Good boy."

In an instant, she had crouched ever so gracefully, launching herself upwards and landing skillfully in front of me, her head down as she clawed the ground to catch her fall.

She stood up, her hand raising to brush the perfect waves away from her face, which had me sucking in a breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

The scent invaded my nose, smacking my face like a brick wall. My nostrils filled with its sweet glorious strawberry smell that immediately made my mouth water.

She was perfect.

Just like I had known she'd be.

Our eyes locked, her bright red eyes losing its color as a beautiful blue swirled her orbs.

And, not only did I witness first hand, but I felt her eyes do something to me.

Locking eyes with her, smashed everything that I cared for, ridding of every single thing I cared so deeply for and fighting her way to the top of my list of loved ones, just that easily. Because they wouldn't matter from then on.

The easy attachment that I could feel, almost see, between us, clicked the together like magnetic attraction and knotted it, twice. As if keeping us glued together, forever. The need to simply touch her, caress her, and kiss her becoming personal goals immediately just as the mating bond linked her to me, as I to her.

My wolf growled one word, telling me what I already knew and confirming exactly who she was.



Dedicated to SaskiaRoss for another amazing edit! <3

Thank you so much for reading! It means a whole lot that you gave this story a chance. c:

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