Chapter 18: I'm Lovestruck

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Brad's POV,

I saw Rita walking back with Tristan, giggling at something he must of said or done. Why does this always happen to me? Why do my best friends become my enemies, because they steal my girl?

Woah stop.

She's not your girl. A voice in my head tells me, and I know it's right, because I'm a coward and don't have the guts to ask her. Lydia hurt me, but Rita isn't her and Tristan helped me plan it, truth is, I've not told him anything about what happened on the night.

I was embarrassed. He knew I was planning to ask her to be mine, but didn't do it, some thing held me back.

Rita looks like she's searching for something or someone, when we make eye contact she sees me and starts to jog over to me. Her hair was in a ponytail but still managed to flow behind her. How I got so close with such a beautiful girl I don't think I will ever understand.

"Hey you," she comes to me and runs to my arm, me engulfing her in a hug first moment I get.

"Hey princess," she smiles and leans up to kiss me. First I was thinking how the boys were there and would take the mick, but then I decided not to care, and just kissed her like she deserved to be kissed. Her hands made a loop around my neck and mine made their way to her waist. I heard the boys wolf whistle but just ignored them, and focuses on kissing her.

"I promise to never hurt you," she smiles and I look at her confused having no idea where that came from. I then look over at Tris who puts his thumbs up and smiles. Oh I will kill him.

"Where did this come from?" I play dumb, I want to hear her tell me that it was Tris. 

"I just want you to know, because you have really lifted me up when I was feeling low and like giving up. You made me feel like I could love again, and I want to return the favour. Brad you mean the whole world to me, and you're a great" there's a long pause and the next word tell me why. "friend? And I wouldn't want to loose you," here goes my chance of asking her to be mine. But she could literally just do what Lydia did, and her and Tris seem close and he's single. Oh for fuck sake.

"I... I can't do this," I tell her and turn away, walking off a direction my feet carry me.

"Brad wait?" It comes out more like a question from her, but I just keep walking. Why do I fuck things up? I could finally be with the girl I have always wanted, yet my fear is keeping me away from her. How is this fair? It clearly isn't, and it sucks to be scared of being hurt. 

There's no way she will take me back now, if there even is a back? You're overthinking this Brad. Yeah, probably. I mean, what guy is scared about dating a girl? Someone who isn't a player maybe? I care about how both of us would feel, and maybe that isn't what she wants? What if she wants a player? Someone to just play around with and then let go?


I don't think I even know what I am thinking anymore. Rita isn't like that, she wants to be with me, she was fine with waiting for me to be ready, so she will understand this right? It makes sense that she will. Before I know it I am back at home, and open the door expecting a golden retriever to be at my feet. Instead, she is with mum and Nat on holiday. Well isn't this great. Alone. Maybe that's what I am destined to be, alone, with no one to come home to. Why can I only think negative right now? Why don't I just pick up the phone and message her, or phone her? 

I do pick up the phone, but not to message Rita. Instead two smiley faces pop up to me on Facteime.

"Bradley! My baby how are you doing?" My mum smiles, making me smile immediately, I miss her and Nat. Maybe because dad isn't here that's why I feel so close to women, because I was brought up to always protect them two.

"I'm fine, tell me how you are!" I smile, waiting to hear from the two, and do so.

An hour or so later we decide to end it as it was ridiculous time of the day for them and they both looked shattered. 

1 text to: Princess 

I'm sorry, I panicked earlier, would you come over and cuddle? I understand if you're with someone else, xx

I send off the text and wait for a reply, I wait a little while, then feel myself drift off and fall asleep, forgetting about some text.


Hey, short update, school is tough, Vote, Comment and DM! ~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora