Chapter 17: Stolen Moments

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Rita's POV,

I thought he would of done it by now you know? But it's cute, makes me regret loosing it to that guy when I was younger.

"I like that on you," Brad tells me, I was wearing some high waisted skinny jeans and a grey crop top, with some black and white converse. He said that he wanted to take me out on a walk, and of course I agreed, what else was I going to do? Write more songs? I needed a break, a distraction, and that was something Brad definitely was, though keep that between us, management would stop us meeting.

They've done it before, when I was with my first boyfriend, and just entered the music industry. I was with him for a few years, never did more then hold hands and possibly kiss, but he was there for me. They thought he would make me feel more homesick, so decided that I would be better off without him, not caring about what I felt and wanted. I needed him, because he understood what it was like with a mum who cared more about her new coming movie than her own daughter.

"And then, Jame and Con went to the shop and had to apologise," Brad chuckles as he finished telling his story. I felt crap and bad right now, I let my mind wonder off to another boy when I have a curly haired beauty right in front of me. I giggles slightly so it seemed like I was listening, and he smiles back at me, I guess he brought it.

"Isn't that Ella and Anna?" I point at two girls sitting at a table, giggling at something one of them must of said.

"Yeah, and James and Con are over there, no sign of Tris yet though," he sighs.

"Why the sigh?" I ask, and Brad looks down, as if I wasn't allowed to know, which I just left be. He let go of my hand and walked over the the boys which I understood, so I decided to go and sits with the girls. I guess this has now stolen our moment, of just Brad and I, alone.

"Heya girlies," I say and sit down next to Anna, and they both giggle again.

"Right, basically, there's this girl in our school, well was in our school, named Quinn, really fancies Tristan!" Ella smiles and Anna giggles.

"And that's funny because..." I don't seem to be able to catch on. This is why I sometimes feel like I don't fit in. Oh for gods sake I'm a year older than these guys, I am like the fucking mother of the group. It's only a year, but I mean, I never even got to finish school, study what I wanted to. My mum just shoved me to the record label because I could sing and dance. So much for being able to have freedom.

"Duh! Because we need to get them together! It's clear he likes her back, just won't admit it..." Anna adds in.

"Right, but surely it's up to them?" I still didn't quite understand what was so funny about setting someone up with someone else, it was their own choice. Maybe I'm like this because I never got to choose what I wanted to do, I always had to follow and let me tell you, it's not the best way to be. I feel like a robot sometimes, doing whatever I get programmed to do.

"Yeah yeah, they just need a little help," Ella winks. I'm happy I don't know this girl, because man, I would not be able to be a part of something like this.

"She'll thank us after, for setting her up with the love of her life," they giggle again. It seemed to me like they were taking the mick, but maybe that's because I never really had time for friends and people my age to hang out with? Maybe I just need to relax and roll with it, leaving it up to them. But I'm sick and tired of being a follower, I want to do what I want to do.

"What's funny you two? Rita surely doesn't seem to be finding it funny," Tris's voice rings through my ears as he sits next to me.

"Speaking of the devil," Ella smirks.

"What did I do this time?" He rolls his eye jokingly and the girls smile at him.

"It's not what you've done, it's what we're going to do," they giggle. I just need to relax, have some fun right?

"Okaii, well you two do that, while I take Rita for a little walk..." He stands up taking my hand and pulling me up with him. At first I'm confused but then I get that he's taking me away from what I am finding an uncomfortable situation. Those two girls are lovely, and probably my first ever close girl friends, but I just felt sorry for the other girl, and I didn't even know her.

"Thank you," I smile as we are a bit further away from the two, walking down a path.

"No worries, I know they can be chatterboxes, they're good girls though, they only do what they think is right and best, they mean no harm." Oh if only he knew...

"I know, I just find it hard to be close to someone you know? Like, girls never really liked me, apparently I was pretty and they thought I'd take their boy... So this is all new to me," I honestly tell him and he smiles.

"Talking about boys," he pauses as we walk on. "How did yesterday go?" Tris asked me.

"You knew he was taking me out?" I ask a bit confused.

"Man I helped him plan it you know? I'm his best mate, of course I knew, but he hasn't told me anything that's happened..." He drifts off a bit.

"He took me to the restaurant and-"

"I know that bit, I planned it, didn't you listen? I mean, did he ask you the question?" He smirks a bit and stops walking, me stopping soon after. I shake my head and his eyes widen. "He didn't?" He seems shocked. So he was going to ask me out? So I must of done something weird or embarrassing to put him off of me.

"Nope, he wanted to take me out again though, but I found out this morning he was a virgin, is that true?" I can't help but let curiosity get the better of me. Tris looks around then at me and nods.

"Don't tell him I told you, but his ex girlfriend, Lydia, broke up with him because he didn't have sex with her. But that's not all. For most of the time she was dating him she was fucking his best friend at the time, Max. He hasn't been in a relationship since. Rita, he's scared. He's probably scared to touch you and definitely scared of asking you out. He's scared you'd get bored of him." Tris nearly whispers, and I nod slightly, taking all of the information in.

"Why would she do that? He's such a sweetie, he'd do anything for me, surely it was the same for her? Why wasn't she patient?" I ask and Tris shrugs.

"She was a bit of a slut, nothing compared to you, I think you're perfect for Brad, maybe he could learn to love again, because she broke him." The last three word make me want to cry. He's so perfect to me, but what his best friend is telling me makes me also smile. He thinks I could be the key for him to be able to love again and trust, I just know I can't let him down.

"I promise I won't hurt him, intentionally anyway, I may hit him in my sleep, but I am not aware of that," I say trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

"I know you won't, you're the one who will save him." And that was all I needed to hear.


Hey! Sorry for such a wait, but please stop DM'ing me if you're just going to beg me to update, I have loads of work to do for school, so updates won't be as regular as they were til now. Vote, Comment and DM! ~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora