“Have you heard?” asked one.

“About what?” asked another.

“About the school next door-Heir Academy.  They say it’s full of men who are like us.”

“Really, I want to see them!” exclaimed another. So that’s what that building was for. I never knew that. Although I really don't care.

They talked on and on until I finally got my lunch and sat down at a table with no one sitting there except Dawn. The cafeteria was really big that had a size of about a fourth of the white house. “Getting used to life here yet, Luna?” I felt a hand on my shoulder. I twirled around to look. It was Amy and Ashley was lagging behind.

“Amy! Ashley!”

“Yo!” said Amy. “Getting used to this place yet?”

“A little. What's the difference?”

“You'll see! Anyway Luna, I overheard some student council members saying that some girls formed a fan club for some girls in our school. Do you know what her name is?"

“What?” I asked.

“Luna and Dawn Tinera.”

“What!” I yelled as I got up. I brought attention to me by accident. “Sorry.” I sat back down and asked, “Why?”

“Calm down Luna, you’re drawing too much attention,” whispered my sister. .

“They thought you and Dawn were the kind of people they were searching for,” whispered Amy beside me. “They said that they admire you guys and that everything about you and Dawn are perfect. Look.” She pointed at a group of girls staring at us shyly. “Those girls are the one that formed the club.” I looked back and smiled. The girls smiled with joy. “You should go talk to them.”

“I don’t think you should,” said Ashley.

“I agree too, Dawn, you really don’t know if they actually are going to form a club for us,” explained Dawn.

I thought about it for a moment and I got out of my seat and towards their table. "Hi!" I said with a gentle smile. The everyone looked up and most of them quickly looked back down. My so called fan club didn't look at us in the eye and said nothing.

Ding! Dong!

Amy, Ashley, Dawn, and I walked out the double white doors and it was silence.

Amy broke it up and said, "Hey did you know?"

"Know what?" asked Dawn. She looked like she was going to try to be friends

with them.

"You know how some girls have fan clubs? Whoever has the most girls in their fan club will be considered 'Top Heiress.' And you know what that means, you can get a holiday week to visit your home. When you receive the title of Top Heiress, you get to-"

The bell cut her off and we ran to class.

For the next two periods, we had Mr. Johnson for Physical Education and Mr. Jones for Science.

After school, Amy and Ashley led us to the dorms.There were three dorms which included the Moon Dorm, the Star Dorm, and the Sun Dorm. I don't know why they built it like that but I found out soon. The dorms were divided by wealth and intelligence. The Sun Dorm was full of the richest students in school. The Moon Dorm was full of unidentified heiresses. The Star Dorm was full of the most intelligent girls. Of course, we were sent to the Moon Dorms. If they figured out that you weren't a real heiress, you were kicked out and never allowed here again. We walked to our room and it was huge since it was for two. The room was cute, colorful, and spacious. We chose sides and started decorating our walls.

Before we got much hung up Ashley said, "You guys better get dressed at 6:30 tonight."

"Why?" asked Dawn.

"You'll see!" exclaimed Amy as they left. 

We started to hang up our poster again. At first, I really didn't think we would ever get comfortable with this spacious room but after we hung up everything, it became like our house.To be honest, we actually brought an extra suitcase for items like posters, folders, paper, some books, curtains, and more! I know it may sound weird but we kind of like things our way.

I fell on the sky blue, fluffy, feather bed and let out a sigh, "We're finally done. I never knew hanging up things took this long.

"Me too," said Dawn tiredly. She closed her eyes and started humming a song. I picked up the beat and started humming with her.

After a few minutes, I fell asleep and began to dream. In my dream, was the same boy from my previous ones. He was still walking but he was walking slower than before. "Wait, who are you?!" I caught up to him and put my hand on his shoulder trying to turn him around.

He turned around and asked the same question, "Who are you?"

I glared at him and said, "Luna."

For a second, his face was confused but he quickly turned unemotional, "My name is K-"

Then, everything went black and I heard a voice calling my name. "Luna! Luna" I felt someone violently shaking me but when I opened my eyes, I realized it was Dawn. "Wake up!

"Is it morning?"

"No!" She yelled but when she realized she was raising her voice, she calmed down. "We have a guest." She looked towards the door and I followed her eyes.

There in the shadows was a figure. He stepped out of the shade and walked up to us. He was a man of his late twenties wearing something like a butler suit. The man opened his mouth and said, "Hello, Mistress Luna. My name is Chanson, butler of the Renoy household."

"So your mistress is Karen Renoy?" Dawn asked surprisingly.

"Yes. Karen is our second heir. Keith is our first heir," he replied.

Before I could ask anything, he brought out a box from his bag that he was holding. Chanson held out the box and opened it. Inside was separated into two sections, one had a blue dress and one had a red. It was the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen in my life. We maybe rich but we have never thought about buying dresses before. I was staring at it intently but Chanson interrupted the silence, "Um. Just to let you know, our mister, Kieth, sent you two these dresses. It also seems mistress Karen has taken a liking to you."

We took the box and said thank you to him. He bowed and left us there standing. I was speechless while Dawn was staring curiously at the dresses. I felt sorry for her if she didn't wear it now so I asked her if she wanted to try it on with me. She said yes and we went to the dressing room. I put it on and yelled, "This dress actually fits me! And it's so frilly!"

"Me too! Show me yours Luna!" Dawn stepped out and I did the same. We looked at each other in amazement. "You look beautiful." (If you want to see, look in pictures)

"You do too, Dawn." We stared at each other for a while but then I looked at the clock.it was 8:30! I looked at Dawn with wide eyes. "Oh my god Dawn. We have to go NOW!" Before she could protest, I grabbed her hand and ran to out the door and locked it.

"Luna! You don't even know where the event is going on do you?"

I stopped in mid-step, "Um," I looked around and saw someone. I walked up to them and asked, "Excuse me. There should be an event going on soon. Do you know where it is being held?"

The woman looked up and said, "Oh, the event will be held at the dining hall. Just go straight down this path and turn right to outside. Then you go to the left until you see the largest building you see. That is the dining hall."

"Thank you," said Dawn quickly and we left. We went down to floor 1 and ran out the door. We turned left and started walking the whole way. I was looking around but Dawn was busy in thought. There was silence along the way.

"Look. There's the building!" Her voice startled me when I looked at the building she was pointing at. It was certainly huge but there was no one around. The windows had light shining throught them but we walked to the door.

I walked to the door and tried to pull but it was too hard. "Dawn, help me with this door." She ran to the other handle and pulled with me. The door had budged a little and soon it was completely open...


Malice Series; Book 1:A Rose's Thorn (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now