"Yeah, I did tackle her."

"See!" She said, popping up from the couch. "I told you she attacked me, she's crazy!!"

"Olivia sit down." Miranda said, pulling her back down into her seat. "Amara, why'd you attack her?" Olivia folded her arms across her chest and waited for me to answer.

"Because, she told Tyson something about me, trying to hurt me out of spite and I got pissed off."

Miranda frowned. "Tyson? Your ex Tyson?" She asked, looking over at Olivia.

She nodded.

"Don't tell me this fight was over a damn boy." Daddy started. "Y'all are too old to be out here scrappin over this boy that's probably no good."

"I wasn't fighting over him." I started. "I hit her because she deserved it."

Olivia scoffed. "I deserved it? Look at my face!! Look what you did to me!" I looked up at her face for the first time this morning.

After the fight yesterday, she didn't look so bad, but I guess it took awhile to show the damage I had down. Her lips were busted, Her right eye was black and she had a few scratches and bruises over her face and legs.

"How does anybody deserve this?!" She asked, pointing to her face. I was silent, not even bothering to respond to her. The only reason I was keeping my cool was because I didn't want daddy to be upset with me more than he already was, but if I didn't care, I would have been socked her in her shit for yelling at me like she was.

I understand she's mad that her face is messed up and mines isn't, but she shoud have thought about the ass whooping she was gunna recieve once she blew up my spot like that infront of Ty.

"Olivia, baby, I know your upset, but you need to sit down so we can talk, Amara is sitting, and she's not yelling at you either."

She huffed a little, sitting back down in her seat, looking as if she was about to cry.

"So if y'all weren't fighting over him, what was the fight about??" I sighed. "I told you, she told him something about me, that was none of her business."

Daddy frowned. "Well what did she tell him?"

"And why would he care?" Miranda asked, adding onto what daddy said. "Why would her ex boyfriend care about something she told him about you, and why would that make you mad to the point where you attack her??"

I was silent, not sure how to answer that. I knew the answer in my head, but I didn't know how to say it. The last thing I wanted right now was for daddy and Miranda to  be looking at me sideways for being with Olivia's ex, since nobody knows Ty and I's history together.

Olivia smirked. "Go ahead and answer her, we're all waiting." She folded her arms across her chest, waiting for me to come out with the truth.

I looked over at daddy, who was waiting for me to explain and give some type of reasoning, so I just decided to suck it up and tell the truth.

"We're dating." I started. "Tyson and I are dating."

Daddy frowned. "You got a boyfriend??" He asked, confused. "Your dating Olivia's ex?" Miranda asked, as if she was trying to make sure what I said was right.

I sighed. "Yes, my boyfriend is Tyson."

Daddy's frown deepend. "Why would you do that? He was just over here with Olivia."

"Exactly." She mumbled. I shook my head. "Tyson and I were talking way before he even knew Olivia." Daddy sighed.

"But that's not what she told me." Olivia started. "If that was the case, why wouldn't you tell me he was somebody you used to talk too, instead of telling me the two of you were "just friends" it makes no sense."

Against All OddsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang