First Rain: Mercy - Chapter 2

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~1 Month Before the Incident~Simon walked the corridors of his school, dressed in his usual black attire. It was December, and outside it was snowing.

People payed him no mind, as he walked by, his scarf fluttering behind him as he walked. He arrived at a peach colored door. He opened the door and stepped into the classroom. It was Chemistry Honors Class, and he was the only freshmen there. He took in the surroundings as he did every day. White patterned floor, wooden tables with a black metal tabletop. the whiteboard in the back and the seats arranged in groups.
He sat down, at his usual seat, to the right of the front of in the middle. He placed his black backpack on the ground, retrieved his binder and got out his Chemistry homework. They have been recently working with Aliphatic Compounds which primarily consisted of naming Hydrocarbons, balancing combustion equations, and Esterification Equations using the structural formula of a compound. Nothing too complicated for him anyway.
He took out a small book with a cardboard cover and a spiral ring, and completely white pages, labeled "Sketchbook". He then took out his mechanical pencil and started to draw. Simon loved to draw, and no matter what you did to distract him, his focus would always remain on the picture. He drew and intricate series of lines and shades of grey and black, sometimes he would smudge the pencil marks with his finger. He continued to draw as people started to flood into the classroom, and take seats as the bell rang. He took a deep breath and put away his sketchbook in his backpack and looked around the classroom.
His classmates were older than him, of different sizes, shapes, colors and religions. Simon looked to the whiteboard where his teacher stepped up. His teacher was named Mr. Cunningham, he was a tall white male, pale complexion, decently built. Today he wore a red polo, tucked into khaki pants.
"Okay Class," He says in a mild tone. His voice was a deep baritone, it was slightly scratchy but not intimidating.
"Today you will receive your Module 4 Test today. I will have to say, we didn't do very good on this particular unit, as the test average was a 68.94%. In other words a D." He says in a tone of concern.
Students looked at each other in panic and surprise, talking in hushed but worried voices. Simon stared at Mr. Cunningham with wide eyes, heart beating at speeds unimaginable. He started to breathe heavily, wondering what might happen. His last name was Xander, so he would be one of the last people to receive it, which unfortunately for him just adds to the anticipation and worry.
He waited impatiently. He looked at the clock so many times, only 30 seconds have passed but it felt like an eternity. Simon clutched his chest in worry, breathing in and out in quick but deep breaths. What would happen? What would the grade be? What would be the consequences? These are questions that just raced through his mind. Next thing he knew a paper packet about 1/2 of a centimeter thick was layed out on his desk, face down.
He stared at the paper, afraid of what might the grade be, and afraid that his heart won't explode. He flipped over the paper and his eyes widened.
'Oh No,' Simon thought.
'No, no, no, no, no, no, no...' Simon looked at his paper and clutched his head as tears ran down his face.
This was bad, really bad. What would happen to him if his parents found out about this? He wouldn't know. He closed his eyes and hoped, that mercy would befall him. He went to Mr. Cunningham's desk after school and asked for a retake, Extra Credit, something that would boost up his grade. No mercy was given.
"I'm sorry Simon, but this is what happened. I don't blame you though, Module 4 was pretty much the hardest chapter we're ever gonna study this year."
'Okay,' thought Simon. Maybe then something okay would happen for him, but he felt something wrong was going to happen.
He started to walk home. His gloved hands in the pockets of his thick peacoat. He then arrived at the door of his house. He took out his keys and opened the door. Simon's parents stood there, waiting. They knew, his father a tall man in his early 40's with black hair and blue eyes, and his mother a woman also in her early 40's with brunette hair and green eyes. His father whipped out his leather belt with a shiny iron buckle which light reflected off of. The glare of the reflection caught his eyes and then he felt pain. Throughout his face and body, he felt an endless barrage of blows as he curled up on the ground waiting for the pain to end.
It did eventually, he looked up and saw his sister there looking at him. A young girl 9 years old, with brunette hair with black tips and shiny green eyes. She looked with teary wide eyes as she hid behind the door frame, the shadows cloaking her presence. His parents started walking back to the bedroom and she ran back into her room quickly. His body aching he dragged himself to his room and took off his shirt, looking at the red, blue and black bruises his body as he looked into the chrome of the mirror. He walked to his bathroom where he shut, and locked the door behind him.
He opened the medicine cabinet and opened a medicine package and took out a pocket knife, about 5 inches long. He opened the 5 inch blade and lowered it onto his right arm. No mercy came to him, only pain and suffering. He started to cry as the blade dug itself into the soft flesh of his arm. Blood oozing out as the chrome of the blade became stained red. He took the knife away and looked at his arm, the cut about an 1 1/2 inch long. The pain felt weirdly comforting.
The blood coming out of the cut then dripped off of his arm, staining the white marble floors beneath him. The drop fell in slow motion to him.

"Rain... have mercy"

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