~~~Emotions Collide Characters***

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Amaya Sholes
Hair: dark blue
Eyes: blue
Daughter of Airi (mother)Vence Sholes (father whose in a coma)
sister to Kane sholes

height: 5'4

Kane Sholes
Age: 19
Hair: light green
Eyes: red
Son of Airi (mother)and Vence Sholes ( father whose in a coma)
Brother to Amaya Sholes

Height: 5'9

Airi Sholes
Hair: blue
Eyes: blue
Wife to Vence Sholes (whose on a coma)
Mother to Kane and Amaya

height: 5'4

Vence Sholes
Hair: dark green
Eyes: light red
Husband to Airi Sholes
Father to Kane and Amaya Sholes
Current condition in a coma
The son and father look the same

height: 5'10

Krad Hikari

Age: appears 19

Hair: blonde with a long single strand in the back held in a clip with a semi long bang in the front and hair is slightly messy looking

Brother to Dark

height: 5'11

body type:Lean Build

persona: distant- bipolar- quiet-artistic

Krad and Dark have don't have wings in this story because their human and dont know they have their wings hidden.

Amaya has a gift like her wings she inherited in the genes can sence others who were once artworks her brother Kane can sence like amaya and their mother Airi as well.


Age: appears 17-18

Hair:violet with spiky bangs hair is slightly messy looking

eyes: violet

Height 5'9

build: lightly lean

persona: flirtatous playboy-easygoing- calm natured-trouble maker

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