- Chapter Twenty Four -

Start from the beginning

Peeta apologized to the best of his ability, and fortunately, Flynn seamed to understand. The little boy adorably wobbled back over to me and snatched the flowers away, leaving me empty handed and laughing.

"No, Flynn," Peeta smiled, "Let Katniss keep the flowers. You can say they're from me."

Flynn huffed and placed the flowers on the side table, where they've stayed ever since. They're beginning to wilt, but they're still as gorgeous as ever.

The main door suddenly opens, and I notice Peeta flinch and grab the sides of his bed. We're both so scared of new dangers coming through that horrid door, as they once have before. But the only person that walks through the unpredictable archway is our nurse. The lady who at first seemed threatening, but now is actually extremely kind and comforting. Madge must have gone home to her father, and I don't blame her.

I've learned a bit about our nurse over the days. Her name is Emery. She's married to a former coal miner that managed to survive the war. I told her about my father, describing his appearance to the best of my ability, and she said that her husband might have been close friends with him. It's comforting to know that this woman had a connection to him. My father. No one else alive in the district does.

Emery smiles at Peeta, but immediately  turns and meets me in the bathroom.

"Oh, Katniss," she sighs, sitting down on the floor next to me. She opens her bag, and I'm hoping she has a medicine  that can fix me right up. The chances of this are unlikely, considering the quality of medicine in District 12 has lowered severely. There is no more war, and people rarely get sick anymore, so what's the point?

"You keep throwing up?" she asks, staring her blue-gray eyes at me. I nod in response.

"I'm thinking it's because of my head," I say. It's the only logical explanation, and I'm not about to start explaining my worries with Gale.

"That can't be it," she whispers to herself, unwrapping the gauze. Finally. The thick material was beginning to irritate me.

Emery examines my injury and shakes her head. "No. This isn't the reason. The swelling has gone down completely and there's only a bruise now. You shouldn't be feeling light headed at all."

I frown. "That's all I'm feeling."

"Then we're going to have to run some tests. Can we move you to the hospital bed?" She kindly asks, gesturing towards the vacant bed next to Peeta's.

"If that's best," I reply apprehensively. I'll no longer have the security of the toilet at easy access, but I'll have Peeta. And in my opinion, Peeta is much better company than an unwelcoming block of porcelain.

I take Emery's hand and slowly walk out of the bathroom. Peeta greets me with a wide smile and watches me as I'm led to the bulky piece of furniture.

"She's okay?" Peeta asks eagerly.

"We'll see," she replies, frowning, "Do you need anything while I gather my equipment?"

Peeta is silent for a moment.

"I need you to make Katniss feel better," he answers. "That's what I need."

"I'm going to do my very best," Emery smiles in his direction. He nods as I pull the covers over my body. I've been lying on a cold surface for so long that this feels extremely comforting. It's not the same as being next to Peeta, but anything is better than the bathroom floor.

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