Chapter 1

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*Val POV*
YR 3
"Stephanie Edgley?" Mrs Cooner called, as I shakily raised my hand. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Someone tapped my shoulder, and I turned to a note being shoved in my face. I grabbed it from the rude boy, frowning, and opening it up. 'Ugly Lesbian' documented the page in a messy scrawl. Tears rushed to my eyes, and I heard laughs erupt from the girls at the back. "What did I ever do to them?" I thought, as the tears finally spilled down my cheeks.
Why did Carrie Waters hate me?

The torture continued, getting worse and worse, until I dropped out.
And came back in YR 6
"Look, lesbians back!"
"Ew she's lesbian!"
"Stephanie Edgleys back"

The whispers didn't stop, and nor did the hate from Carrie and her frien-

I slammed the old diary shut, anger bubbling over. Why did Carrie Waters hate me so much? I threw it at the wall, crossing my arms.

But I was better than her now, Right?
Turning and walking out of the old attic, I grabbed my school bag from the hallway.
Today I had to go to school
Today was going to be shitty.
Trudging downstairs, I walked into the kitchen. "Morning mum, Morn-...Dad, stop poking Alice." I sighed, watching as my father pouted but put the baby down.  Mum sighed, shaking her head. "Morning Val. Skulduggery's dropping you off today, right?" I nodded, relieved I told my parents last month.
They were so supportive.
Grabbing a brekkie bar, the doorbell rang. "That'd be him. By Mum, by Dad!" I grinned, In a better mood already. Desmond waved, his attention still on the baby, as Melissa got up and hugged me. "Have a good day sweetie!" She smiled, as I walked calmly to the door.
And opened it, throwing myself into Skuls arms. He chuckled, stroking my hair. " I thought it was 'Not I front of my parents'" he smirked, mimicking me. I glared at him; "Your the one stroking my hair."'He stopped as we walked down the front garden. "I didn't say stop..." I mumbled, as he laughed.
I hadn't quiet told my parents everything, like how I was dating Skul.

"Can't we just, I don't know, summon the reflection in a puddle again or something?" I whined, throwing my head back in annoyance. He tilted his head. "Or, you could be normal for once and go to school?" He retaliated, and I snatched my hand out of his, crossing them over my chest. "How could you even suggest that!?" I cried in mock horror, stepping over the deserted toys out front someone's house.
We like to park a good block away, and walk.
It gave us more time together on school mornings.
"I know, aren't I just evil?!" He laughed, picking up the pace. "Let me guess," I frowned. "Another meeting?". He paused, walking around the corner with me, before replying. "...Yes, it really is a shame you had to go to school, Tan wanted to see you." He murmured, his hand resting next to my limp ones. "And your going to school." He added, as I groaned.

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