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2 weeks later...

" Sarah! Can't you walk any faster?" I said excitedly.

" Why are you in a rush? We landed safely. Relax!" she replied.

Did she really just said we landed safely? In Japan?? Sure seems like a dream.

I stopped in my tracks causing Sarah to bump on me from behind. " Ow!"

" Sorry.."

I closed my eyes, and pinched my self. With one eye open, I'm still in Kansai International Airport.

Closing my eyes again, " Sarah, pinch me." I said.

" With pleasure."

Then I felt the most painful pinch on my arm.

" Ow! Not that hard!" I said almost shouting. Rubbing my arm. " What was that for?"

" I could've got a nosebleed from running into your bony back!"

I just smiled innocently, knowing it was really my fault.

" HELLO OSAKA, JAPAN!" I said loudly, not caring the weird stares I get.

Sarah slapped my arm. " Calm down! Geez, now they're thinking you're crazy or something." Sarah said.

" That hurts."

" Oh yeah, sure you didn't leave anything?" asked Sarah concerned, totally ignoring the fact that she hit my aching arm. I'll probably get a bruise.

" Nope." I answered curtly. I can't help thinking how they build this airport on an artificial land. Sugoii!!!

" What about your passport? You didn't leave it at the immigration counter?" asked Sarah again, snapping me out of my admiration of the building.

" To think about it. Actually I think I did! Oh no!" I said with the fake panic look on my face.

" Really?!!??!" Sarah said anxiously, bulging her eyeballs at me.

Laughing, I raised my eyebrows and said," You actually fell for that." I said, " Lol."

She just rolls her eyes at me. It looks creepy because her eyes turned all white. " I'm serious. Where is it?"

" It's in my bag somewhere." I said blindly, not bothering to check if it's really there.

" Prove it."

I stopped. Turning to Sarah, " Now it's your turn to calm down. I put it inside my bag. There's no need for me to show it to you. It's not like I'll lose it or anything." I said. It's so annoying. I hate it when people gets all naggy. Is it even a word? Who cares.

" Just do it. Don't come crawling to me with that sad puppy eye if it's really gone. Like you always say, you never know." said Sarah. Now she's using my tag line against me? Sheesh.

" Fine, mom. I'll do it." I said with the most insincere smile. The only reason I obeyed was just to stop the nagging.

As we stepped onto the escalator, I checked the pockets of my bag and it wasn't there. Noticing the panic look on my face, Sarah said, " You left it didn't you?"

" No I didn't!" I exclaimed. I can so imagine the sound effects starting if this was a drama. Rummaging into every inch of my bag, it's still isn't there. Did I really put it inside? I know I put it inside here before we stepped onto the airplane. Did I get mixed up with my memories again?

Taking a deep breath and trying to stay calm, I check the front pockets of my jeans and it's not there. Touching my back pockets and it's not there either. Crap! How about if it's really gone? I'm in deep trouble. Not again.

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