Chapter 32: Nightmares

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"Oh, I get it. You're in love already and it would seem scandalous to marry her."

Never far off the mark are you Sabra. He remarked in his head. Bur instead he said:

"You could say that..."

"Who is she?" insisted Sabra, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I saw her reflection in the water:"

"What? You love a fish?"

At this Kahmunrah rolled his eyes, a hint of smile at his lips.

"You know what a mean"

Then he smiled pointing at the door. "Would you like to help me wake the drunken ass?"

"It'd be an honour" remarked Sabra, sarcasm dripping from her voice.


Kahmunrah wasn't lying when he said he saw Ismara's reflection in the water.

He had been lying by the bank of the Nile looking at his reflection in the water. He was seven then. His little brother was sleeping inside. As looked into the shimmering depths of Nile he saw another face. It was small pretty but tear stained. He looked around and saw a young girl, about five, with grey eyes that seemed almost silver.

They were unusual but at the same time fascinating.

"Are you alright?" He asked her. She shook her head and turned around. She started to walk away

"Wait! Who are you?!" called out a dismayed young Kahmunrah.

. "Ismara" she said softly. Her voice was rather whimsical, with an air of sadness. His heart went out to her.

"I'm Kahmunrah. But you can call me Kahmun. Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Will you at least play with me?" he asked.

She seemed to be worried about something. Then after a long time of thinking her face brightened and for the first time Kahmunrah saw her smile. He felt his heart beat fast.

So they played. They swam. They laughed. That was the first time Kahmunrah spent time with her. He had fallen in love with her then. She also fell for him. Though neither of them knew it yet.

That time may as well have been the last. There remained a twelve year gap between that first time and the second time. The second time being the night she had seduced him. During those twelve years they watched each other grow from the corner of their eyes. Each falling further in love with the other. Neither could realise the feelings they harboured. No until their love and the circumstances had grown intense. Too intense for them to handle.


Ahkmenrah went from a nightmare to another. In his dreams he saw death. As he woke he relived his dreams. Death was all around Egypt at the moment. Their freedom and life as they know was at stake.

He woke groggily that morning too see his brother looking down.

"Where is it?" asked Kahmunrah with a deadly edge to his voice. His arms crossed over his chest.

"Where is what?" asked his younger brother thoroughly confused.

"Ahkmenrah I know you hid that alcohol somewhere. Tell me where it is!"

Ahkmenrah's eyes widened. How did he know?!

"What alcohol?" but it was clear he was lying.

"If you tell me I won't tell mother"

Ahkmenrah's poor muddled head processed this. If his mother found out no doubt she will give him a thrashing.

"In the clothes chest" he mumbled incoherently.

Finally he realised there was another presence in the room. His sullen features brightened when he saw her. There was a smile at his lips.


She merely smiled back before she announced she had to go back to her post. When she left his heart felt heavier. What had he done to make her not talk to him?

Kahmunrah's angry voice broke his train of thought. He observed his brother carrying five large bottles of alcohol in his arms, three of which were empty.

"I thought I told you to never ever drink that heavily ever again."


"No buts Ahk. It's not good for you."

"Well neither is going to brothels! Ever heard of pregnancy?!" bit back Ahkmenrah.

Mentally Kahmunrah found this amusing considering he was going to have a child anyway. But outwardly he sighed.

"Just promise me this Ahk. Never drink this much again. You nearly..."

"Died one time." said Ahkmenrah finishing of his sentence. He shuddered remembering when one time he had stupidly decided to test his limits. He remembered clawing and fighting against the suffocating force known as death. He remembered almost being swallowed in to oblivion.

"Promise?" asked Kahmunrah.

"Promise" confirmed his little brother.

"Good. Go wash up. I expect the General from Awan will be to talk to you about war."

Then Kahmunrah's chest tightened. He was the rightful heir wasn't he? He was supposed to be doing all this. But he put that thought aside. He needed to focus on the war.

At this Ahkmenrah grimaced. War was everywhere now. And he hated it.

"And mother also wanted talk to us about something" said Kahmunrah handing Ahkmenrah the letter.

Ahkmenrah groaned. How can mother think about marriage at a time like this?


How was it? I know not too much happens. But this is just the basis next few chapters which I promise I'll try to make a lot more intense.

Ahkmenrah: The Fourth King of the Fourth Kingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن