Jackie felt her cheeks flush. "He didn't mean it like that."

Jessica's smile was ear to ear as she said, "He most certainly did."


Jackie rolled down the window, letting the fresh, early summer breeze fill the backseat. She had been flown to from London to Scotland in a small private jet, complete with a butler, before being picked up on the tarmac by a Royal Range Rover. Now, Jackie was cruising through the Scottish countryside, charming with rolling green hills, sheep, and sparkling brooks. After speaking to Harry and Kate on the phone and doing internet research, Jackie learned that the royal family almost exclusively spent all their time outdoors while at Balmoral- riding, hunting, fishing, hiking. While Jackie had never and would never be a hunter, she was excited to partake in the activities. However, her stomach churned nervously at the thought of meeting the Queen again- this time as Harry's girlfriend.

Jackie was pulled from her thoughts and left in awe. Balmoral Castle appeared in the distance, huge, sprawling, and breathtakingly beautiful. As the car took a turn onto the gravel drive, Jackie could see the gorgeous flower beds and fountain that decorated the landscape. A herd of cattle were grazing to the right of the castle, a small pack of dogs, corgis included, raced by the car, and white butterflies danced over the colorful flowers, adding to the charm of the countryside.

The car came to a stop, Jackie breaking protocol and letting herself out of the back. She took a deep breath, reveling in the warmth of the sun on her face. Jackie could already tell she was going to love Balmoral.

"Well, hello," a familiar voice greeted. Jackie turned on her heel to see Harry bounding down a set of stone steps.

Jackie didn't get a chance to say hello before Harry grabbed her just above the elbows and pulled her in for a kiss. Jackie's stomach was overwhelmed by butterflies. She reached up and hugged Harry tightly, never wanting to let go. "I missed you so much," Jackie whispered, resting her chin on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm glad you could come out. Everyone's really excited to meet you -- again."

Harry gave Jackie another peck on the lips before he took her by the hand and tugged her inside the castle. "Wait- my bags-" Jackie laughed.

"Don't you worry about that," said Harry. "My family's just about to eat lunch."

Jackie let out a nervous squeak. "I don't know what to say!"

"Don't be ridiculous, you've spoken to my grandmother before."

"We've only said hello once or twice, I haven't really met her. And- after what happened at the wedding-"

"Don't worry, it's all small talk at lunch," Harry said, giving Jackie another kiss as they walked.

"But I'm not dressed properly, Kate says I should change for every meal-"

"You look lovely, and you are dressed properly," Harry reassured. Jackie was wearing an olive button-down top, dark jeans, and a pair of black Hunter wellies.

"Harry, I just need a moment-"

Harry put a finger on Jackie's lips. "Sh. She's going to love you, I know it."

Jackie let out a sigh, speaking into his finger. "I really hope so."

"Come on." Harry led Jackie down a series of breathtaking hallways, filled with fantastic stone work, ornate rugs, and painted scenes of nature. Jackie was taken aback by the amount of animal heads mounted on the walls of the sitting rooms she passed by, but decided not to say anything about them. She could hear voices growing louder as they approached the dining room, and Jackie stopped to check her appearance in an ornate mirror. She looked flustered but acceptable.

"Don't worry," Harry reminded. He gave Jackie's hand a reassuring squeeze before leading her into the dining room. The seats at either head of the table were empty, obviously meant for the Queen and Prince Phillip, who always arrived last. Will, Kate, Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince Andrew, Beatrice, Eugenie, and a few other aunts, uncles, and cousins also sat the the table, leaving two empty seats for Harry and Jackie- next to where the Queen would sit. Jackie's heart sped up as all eyes turned to her and Harry.

Harry broke the silence. "Everyone, you remember Jackie."

"Hello, Jackie!" Kate greeted cheerily. Jackie grinned, feeling reassured.

She felt more confident as she was greeted with a hug from Camilla, a friendly pat on the back from Prince Charles, and a firm handshake and a smile from Prince Andrew. Beatrice and Eugenie fussed over Jackie's boots while little Lady Louise, Harry's 8 year-old cousin (and fellow bridesmaid at Kate and Will's wedding) gave Jackie a bold hug and kiss on the cheek, reminiscing about their walk down the aisle together. Jackie sat down, extremely conscious of the table manners Kate had briefed her on over the phone the night before.

The lesser royals made some small talk, mostly about their plans for the rest of the afternoon. A few minutes later, the doors to the dining room swung open. Everyone rose as the Queen and Prince Philip entered. The women dropped into curtsies, the men bowing their heads. Kate told Jackie that the Queen was keen on keeping some aspects of royal tradition in modern times, hence the curtsying and bowing.

The Queen and Philip made a quick lap around the table, greeting their descendants. They came to Jackie and Harry last. Jackie dropped into another curtsy and held out her hand, "Hello, Your Majesty."

To Jackie's relief, Harry's grandmother took her hand in both of her's giving it a warm squeeze. "It's good to see you again, Jacqueline."

Jackie couldn't stop from breaking into a wide smile. "You as well, Your Majesty. Thank you for having me."

The Queen greeted Harry with a hug, Prince Philip shaking Jackie's hand. "Jacqueline, I've almost forgotten what you looked like. All the pictures in the papers show you from behind."

Jackie let out a laugh, feeling her anxiety wash away. "It's my best angle."

Philip's eyes sparkled as he shook her hand once again.

Once the Queen sat down, the others were allowed to follow suit. Jackie dropped her napkin in her lap, remembering not to rest her elbows on the table.

"So, Jackie, Harry tells me you're a nurse," Queen Elizabeth said over spring salads.

"That's right, I've worked at Royal London Hospital for about 8 years now," said Jackie.

"I greatly admire nurses, when I was in the service as a girl I always looked up to the women that helped those brave soldiers," the Queen said with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Jackie said with a smile. Kate was grinning at Jackie from across the table.

"Jackie rides, too, Granny," Harry added from next to Jackie.

The Queen beamed. "Wonderful! Some of us are going out for a ride this evening, I hope you'll join us."

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