Chapter Three | the visit

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Jyuushiro Ukitake is a man of his word. And when he once said centuries ago that he will no longer be affected by flimsy emotions, he meant it. He did... And now, looking at the very object of his affection for so long a time, he wonders if he really meant what he vowed. Forgetting her was more painful than his ailment. This sudden turn of events surprised him to the highest level. Why? Why do i have to see her now, he thought. "How did you get yourself into this division?"

Setsuna was amused at the question. "What do you mean, taicho?"

"You were not able to graduate from the academy. Why then were you given the title, vice captain? How?" Jyuushiro asked as calmly as he can.

Setsuna chuckled. After living her life like a doll for years, she did not deny the hatred she felt towards this man. He destroyed her. " cocky of you to talk to me like so, Jyuushiro Ukitake. Have you forgotten that I am a princess?"

Jyuushiro closed his eyes at this controlling his anger. There are a few people who could push him to the walls of his patience, too few...namely, this woman. Indeed, he acknowledges her as his superior in formal occasions of the court. But! "I am sorry, hime. You might be a princess, but as long as you are under my command, you must abide by the laws of the 13 Divisions. I am sure you know of this?"

"Of course. But do not think I am here all because I requested to be placed by your side." Setsuna nodded and took a step closer. She looked at her captain's eyes. "Do you dare think I begged to be with you once more, Jyuushiro...sempai? That I have asked the captain commander to specifically place me here? I apologize if i disappoint you. But I was requested to be placed here. If you do not want me around, just say so." She added.

"I did not say that." Jyuushiro looked up, concern in his eyes. "I was...was just..."

"Enough of this." Setsuna rolled her eyes. "I am here as your vice captain and nothing more. What happened years ago were forgotten. I will do what I'm told. I will follow orders and fulfill my duty. Do you have any complaints?" She looked back at her captain who is now smiling.

"I have none, Setsu-ch-." Jyuushiro answered but was cut.

"DO. NOT. CALL. ME. THAT." Setsuna enunciated. "I am married to the 3rd prince. I am now a member of the House of Oe. So please, taicho. Do not forget that, onegaishimasu."

Jyuushiro sighed heavily. "Hai, Oe-fukotaicho. I will not." The mention of that name is like poison to his lips. He knew then the consequences of his weaknesses. He knew, but he never dared to take that step.

"Then, I will be fixing my new room, taicho." Setsuna bowed and turned back towards the halls.


Maaku opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar room. A shrilling laughter immediately made him take the pillow and shield himself as the door opened.

"Neh, neh...taicho. You should've said goodbye to Hinamori-chan." Matsumoto Rangiku teased as she closed the door behind her. She turned to find the stranger is already awake. "Ah! Maaku-kun! Yachiru-chan delivered you here. She said it is a pain to send you to the 4th division since it's too far away... Are you feeling okay now?"

"Why are you here?"

Maaku immediately turned his attention to the 10th Division captain, Hitsugaya Toushro. He swallowed hard. "Gomen, Hi-hitsugaya-taicho. I was...well...left here by Yachiru-fukotaicho."

Toushiro snorted and went to his desk. "Fix yourself. If you are feeling alright now, get back to your division." He ordered.

Maaku bowed his head a couple of times. "Hai, Hitsugaya-taicho!" He fixed himself and went out of the room without even thanking because of fear. 'I wonder how such a small captain produce such horrifying aura...' he thought to himself as he walked back to his division. As he turned a corner, he bumped onto someone.

"Sumimasen deshta."

Maaku opened his eyes to behold a beauty. But how the sunshine is brighter in an instant. "Uh..ah...gomen, gomen." He stood up and helped the beautiful woman. He remembered he saw her in the 13th division before. "I was thinking things over..."

"Me too..." Kotetsu answered.

Maaku scratched his head as he blushed. "Uhm...My name's Ito Maaku of the 11th squad. And you are?" He asked shyly.

Kotetsu smiled. "Kiyone Kotetsu of the 13th Squad. It's nice to meet you Ito-san."

Maaku stared for like a whole year. He can't take that pretty face off his mind until...

"Oi, Ito!"

"hmmm?" Maaku asked in a love-sick manner - grinning like a wuss. "AHH!" He immediately stood up and bowed. "Madarame-sama!!!"

"Keh! You're slacking off again, boke! Follow me, we have work to do." Ikkaku growled and walked off followed by his assistant.


Jyuushiro did his daily routine despite the thoughts that clouds his mind. As he flipped through several documents regarding the reports of his subordinates, he saw hers - Setsuna's. 'Her handwriting never cease to amaze me...' The clean strokes of the writings were like a work of art - straight and with no mistakes.

He turned to the tea beside him and poured a cup. Slowly, he sipped. 'My body seems to be in top shape these days...' he said to himself. 'Must be because she's - AH! No, no... I shouldn't think of such things... She's married to the 3rd pri -' He was about to put his cup on the table when the shoji door opened and Kotetsu with a horrified look entered.

"Ta-ta-taicho! I tried to stop him..." Kotetsu exclaimed. "De-de-demo!"

"Are you Jyuushiro Ukitake-San of the 13th Division?"

Jyuushiro stood up. A man wearing such fine floral silk and beautiful blonde hair that stretches to his back appeared behind Kotetsu. He is obviously very agitated. And he is obviously...royalty. "Hai."

The prince glared at Kotetsu. "Leave us." He ordered. As soon as she did, he turned to the 13th division captain. "I am Prince Reiji of the Oe Clan. I am here to pay a visit to my 3rd wife. I heard she returned and was assigned as your vice captain."

Jyuushiro was surprised that the prince tone is calm and firm. He motioned for him to sit. "Yes, your highness. She is my new vice captain."

Reiji's eyebrows furrowed. " not know why she is always so temperamental. Ever since we got married, she has always done what she wanted." He shook his head.

"She was always stubborn, your highness." Jyuushiro smiled at the memory of a young Setsuna.

Reiji looked up in surprise. "You know her from before?"

"Hai, your highness." Jyuushiro answered. "She was my kohai." There was silence then. The prince is deep in thought and he doesn't want to disturb that. 'What does he mean by her return?' he asked himself.

"My wife...she...she never think much of me." Reiji said in a hushed tone. "I want to give her everything...I love her so much. Even if I was only permitted to take her as a concubine, I was always by her side until she wanted something else." He paused.

Jyuushiro said nothing.

"Will you care to listen, Ukitake-san? This man's tale is far too heavy to carry alone..." Reiji smiled sadly at the shinigami. When the captain nodded, he continued. "A month after our marriage, she asked to be sent to a special mission. I can not deny her that. I myself was busy with the family's prestige and businesses that I seldom visit her. I agreed to her request knowing that she was trained and honed as a warrior. I let her go because I know how sad it is to be alone." He looked out the window and continued. "After a month, I began to worry. I asked the captain commander about her but he said that the mission can last till 10 to 20 years. And for 20 years she did not come back. 20 years after, I saw her in the parade grounds when I was sent to inspect the troops. She was assigned to head a team infiltrating Hueco Mundo. That terrified me. I asked her to be stripped from the squad and to be brought home."

"And then, your highness?" Jyuushiro asked, listening intently.

"I visited her everyday." Reiji continued. "But the palace servants told me she would not eat anything unless I let her go."

It is at that time that Jyuushiro noticed the prince loved Setsuna very much.

TBC. Te, continue pa? XDD Read & Review!!!

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